[doesn't listen to him. he's made it to the dilapidated passenger cabins already--really, not the ideal place to nod off for a mo'--and continues down towards the Kepler cabins.]
I think not! Do you think I'm going to let you suffer from that damn brain parasite for a moment longer?!
[eyes the paintball gun, his own expression matching Lyle's.]
And you. You've not encountered the Puppeteer before so I'll give you a quick run-down. Well, actually I don't have to if you've seen what's happened in there. Just be careful.
[desperately] Get away! Don't open that door--any of you! Please, just go!
[Chloe is dead again now, bones broken and her skin bloody from swipes and clawing. the grinning, blood-spattered Puppeteer turns toward Oliver, who is still on the floor]
Oh, don't ruin the fun, Oliver. Think of all the things we can do to them together.
The Puppeteer's the name of a deranged little brain parasite that wreaked havoc all around the universe. It inhabits the host's body, amplifies any darkness there is inside and uses the host to go on a killing spree. You're looking at one of the only survivors. The other one's on a little planet far away from here with his mind completely destroyed.
But so was the Puppeteer. Annajin saw to that, Oliver! He's so afraid of it completely taking over his life again...and he was making so much progress before. [clenches his hands tight.]
Yes. And that facsimile of Oliver is how he would have been had the Puppeteer gotten full control over him. But it never did because Oliver's too good a person--even said so itself!
Now will one of you open that door?! I can't without a barcode!
Oliver Day, will you continue to let this plague you forever?!
I think not! Do you think I'm going to let you suffer from that damn brain parasite for a moment longer?!
Nice to see you, Doctor.
And you. You've not encountered the Puppeteer before so I'll give you a quick run-down. Well, actually I don't have to if you've seen what's happened in there. Just be careful.
[guess who's running up to them both breathlessly, as fast as her sleep-deprived body will let her?]
What's a Puppeteer?
[Chloe is dead again now, bones broken and her skin bloody from swipes and clawing. the grinning, blood-spattered Puppeteer turns toward Oliver, who is still on the floor]
Oh, don't ruin the fun, Oliver. Think of all the things we can do to them together.
But so was the Puppeteer. Annajin saw to that, Oliver! He's so afraid of it completely taking over his life again...and he was making so much progress before. [clenches his hands tight.]
Now will one of you open that door?! I can't without a barcode!
[He's just as frustrated about this whole thing with the Puppeteer after all. He passes his barcode over the scanner - and the door opens]
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