Oldschoolfic Holiday Exchange
Sign-ups: October 10th - 26th
Assignments sent: October 27/28
Default deadline: December 15
Deadline: December 25 - 31st
Stories released: January 1st
1) Even though you choose three fandoms and as many pairings as you want, you only have to write one story about one pairing.
2) Prompts do not have to be holiday themed, but if they are the author should write a holiday themed fic.
3) All fics must be a minimum of 1000 words. There is no maximum. Please be sure to have your fics betaread prior to posting. (Ficathon mods are not available for betareading purposes, nor are we able to find you a betareader. We will, however, put a post up for betareaders to volunteer in.)
4) You will be asked to list pairings or characters you want. Please be sure to list a reasonable number for your writer, who is allowed to include any other characters he or she wishes to write. (Also: Please, no incest prompts. That's a can of worms your mod still doesn't want to open.)
5) If you sign up and discover you will not be able to complete a fic, please let me know by December 15 so I can find a back up. This also means you will not get the story you requested. It's only fair.
Defaulters will not be allowed to participate in any future
oldschoolfic ficathons.
6) If you have any questions, please e-mail me at larah33@gmail.com
Sign-Up Template
Email Address: (again, comments will be screened)
Fandoms I Can Write:
Things I Can't Write:
Things l Love to Read:
Pinch Hitter:
Request 1: Fandom, Character(s), Prompt, Things I don't want
Request 2: Same format as #1
Request 3: Same format as #1
(For clarity - a "/" indicates romantic relationship, and an "and" indicates gen pairing.)
larah33E-mail: larah33 at gmail dot com
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls
Things I Can't Write: Femmeslash, slash, PWP
Things I Love to Read: Strong plot/characters, shmoop,
Pinch Hitter: Yes
Request One
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Veronica/Logan, Veronica and anyone (gen)
Prompt: Mistletoe
Things I Don't Want: Duncan, Madison, character death
Request Two
Fandom: Buffy
Characters: Willow/Oz, Buffy/Spike, Spike and Andrew (gen)
Prompt: Secret Santa
Things I Don't Want: Buffy/Angel
Request Three
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Characters: Luke/Lorelai, Lorelai and anyone (gen)
Prompt: Snow
Things I Don't Want: Taylor, character death, Lorelai/Christopher