Call for prompts for Promptathon 07

Apr 18, 2011 14:14

It's time for another OND Promptathon.

The theme for Promptathon 07 is:

In sickness and in health.

Prompts must, in some way, relate to sickness or health - or indeed both. For example: taking care of someone; celebrating your partner's recovery; concerning about ill health; awaiting the outcome of tests; beginning a new healthy eating regime.

For Challenge #07.

Please reply to this post with a list of prompts for writers/artists to use in their stories/artwork.

The prompts can be:

  • A fandom and a prompt, e.g. NCIS. ?/?. Dancing
  • A fandom, a character and a prompt, e.g. Due South. Fraser/?. Books
  • A fandom, a pairing and a prompt, e.g. The Professionals. Bodie/Doyle. Wine
  • Just a prompt (i.e. suitable for any fandom/pairing) e.g. ?. ?/?. Flowers

    And you can mix and match when submitting, or just submit one type.


  • Please, please, please submit the prompts in the format detailed above, i.e. use the ? to fill the 'blank' spaces and also put the full stop between the 'sections'. This will make it easier for us when we are sorting the prompts. Please don't use dashes or commas or a mixture, it makes life very hard when we're putting together the list of prompts. Please just use full-stops between the sections.

  • Please also submit them in 'blocks'. For example if you are submitting prompts for more than one pairing, please keep all the prompts for Pairing A together and all the prompts for Pairing B together - they can all go into the same comment, but it's easier for us when putting the list together if we don't jump back and forth between pairings.

  • Please also do not use 'in' fandom abbreviations for the name of the fandom. Remember, this is a multi-fandom challenge and whilst it might be obvious to you what the 'in' term is, it's not necessarily going to be thus to Aingeal and myself.

  • The same applies to squished pairing names, please DO NOT use terms like Gabby or Spander type of thing, again, we won't necessarily know what they mean. (I sometimes get lost in my main fandom when squished up names are used *g*).

    Thank you for your help with this.

    To remind you:

  • This is a multi-fandom, multi-pairing challenge for slash or het couples.
  • Artwork (e.g. wallpaper, icons, banners, etc.) based on the prompts is perfectly acceptable
  • The theme for the seventh challenge is 'In sickness and in health'.
  • Each half of the pair has to be 40+ in the story/artwork, i.e. it doesn't matter if they are under 40 in canon, as long as in the story they are 40 or over.
  • You do not need to be a writer/intend to write a story/produce a piece of art for this challenge to submit prompts.
  • You will be able to use your own prompt.
  • You can submit as many or as few prompts as you wish.
  • Please feel free to pimp this on your own LJ or in communities if you wish to do so.

  • You can submit prompts up to the end of Thursday 28th April (although in reality this will be 29th UK time to allow for time differences).
  • Posting of stories/artwork for the Promptathon will begin on 1st May and you have the entire month of May in which to post.
  • !promptathon 07: sickness & health, !prompts, !!admin

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