Old School Challenge: "What Came Next"

Mar 28, 2011 16:56

After the puzzles, jlvsclrk suggested that we have a comment-fic challenge for "What Came Next" and I love the idea, so... ;D

From now through April 6th, comment here with short (200-1000 words) fics (or pics or drawings ^^) about what came right after one of these three scenes:

The Bridge, The Tux, and The Fire. (Pics from capping and acampbell)

Feel free to concentrate on all the bare skin (because there has to be some), hands touching bodies (OMG, YES!), and ruthlessly ignoring any contradictory canon out of the way (such as who else might have been around at the time ;p they didn't need to be there anyway!).

The only rule is that entries need to stay old-school (first three seasons only) Clex. You may post as many comment fics (or pics or drawings) as you like. No limits. ;D

The comment-fics will be screened until April 6, 7pm-ish PST, at which point we'll have one big unveiling. Let me know if you have any questions!


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