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Comments 6

rambleization January 6 2010, 09:06:41 UTC
Oh, hun, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. It's always sad when they pass. But on the other hand, it's even harder to watch them suffer.
I think that day is coming for my pooch, too. It's a scary thought.

Sherlock! I saw it a while ago, but I was so tired when watching it that I could hardly follow! I still managed to come out loving it, though. I need to rewatch that one. But the exploooosions. God, there were explosions.
I love it when things go boom.
Oh, and those CG'd backgrounds? I pretty much JIZZED in the theater. So gorgeous.

I find it weird that it's called "sledging" over there. We call it "sledding". Very similar. I have to wonder where the change came from.


olafpriol January 6 2010, 18:07:31 UTC
Isn't it though? It's odd how I've known so many humans that have died, yet my dog was the one I dreaded the most- I'm coping alright though, too busy to get too bogged down with it, and it's pretty much my job to cheer everyone else in the family up, so, big grins everyone! 8D

omgeeeeeeee go and see it again when you're awake, I just went to see it again with one of my Mancunian bff's and it was just as epic as the first time, I am so severely addicted to the music as well fff.
SO DID I we like the pretty of yes <3

We should do a Sherlock trade :I This is a hugely bad idea as I have no time AT ALL but ilu and we're getting married and stuff so meh.

That is interesting, although I'm sure you crazy Canadians get to do it far more than we do so you probably have dibs on that one. ( ._.)9


rambleization January 7 2010, 02:49:13 UTC
I find it the same way. It's sort of weird.
I'm glad to hear you're coping. Just make sure to take time for yourself where ever you can find it. :)

Oh, I plan to. I might watch it online, but at the same time, Sherlock needs to be seen on the big screen to really be appreciated.

HAHA Sherlock trade! I don't have much time, either, but I am so down! It shall be our marriage vows!

As a country, Canada probably does do more sledding. But as far as my area, no way, man. I think I've only ever gone sledding once and it was more or less in the frozen mud.
Oh, no wait. There was one time on actual snow and a spinny circle sled thing. But it was on a sorry excuse for a hill and I went right into a bush and scratched my face to hell. Good times, man.


olafpriol January 7 2010, 17:16:26 UTC
Nya, I'm bad with the whole moping scene. I'll just eat a bucket of turkish delight and sit on the ceiling for a while until I feel better.

AWESOME okay this is being done, uhm uhm uhm, I would liiiike... Watson and Holmes doing something spectacularly dorky and typical, like, Holmes having lost his hat and being all in Watson's face like "WHERE IS MY HAT MAN DID YOU LOSE IT IN A BET AGAIN RAEG" and Watson being all *facepalm* because it's on his head.

Holmes is too busy being a genius to keep track of these unimportant details stfu. Also is it weird that I don't ship them when they are so very bff? :/

Aww, fo reals? That's a shame, it doesn't really do this epic snow thing over here a lot, but when it does my god it's amazing, I made a gigantic capricorn sculpture in my backyard- it was so big I had to sit on its back to finish the head! XD

AND I'M AN IDIOT because I didn't take any pictures and now I'm back in Newport D: woe is me.


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