Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fic

Dec 29, 2009 06:51

*glares at Jazz-muse* You think you're funny don't you? You must think you're hi-falootin-larious, pulling crap like this out of your tailpipe. You know this doesn't get you out of Star-crossed, right?

Thought this up at work, and then sat in my car for half an hour jotting down most of it.

Title Clinging To the Rafters
Character Michelangelo
Rating K
Summary Mikey’s thoughts while hiding.

Leonardo makes this ninja stuff look easy.

Repeat after me.

Leonardo. Makes. Ninjutsu. Look. Easy.

I can guarantee that if he makes something look like a piece of cake, you can just bet your entire comic collection that it’s gonna hurt like hell.

Take hanging from ceilings for instance.

First, you aren’t just holding on with our hands, but your feet, too. Don’t let anyone tell you that’s easy. ‘Cause clinging to the rafters with your toes can give you mondo foot cramps. Not just that. Donnie’s managed to rip out all of his toenails doin’ this. Raph’s dislocated one of his toes from unexpectedly slipping. Even yours truly, Michelangelo, Battle Nexus Champion, has managed to sprain each of my toes at least once doing this.

Like right now, my feet are killing me! I can already feel the muscles in the arches of my foot slowly tighten like a rubber band stretched too tight.

I don’t dare move.

I can hear footsteps coming down the hall.

Can’t move. Won’t move. No matter how much my foot cramps. Both feet. Owww~!

I tighten my grip on the rafters of our training room, ignoring the (very unpleasant) spasm of pain that sends up my legs.

I can’t believe I was stupid enough to agree to a game of ninja hide and seek. But really, there wasn’t much else to do. A storm in the area knocked out our power, and rather than do the smart thing and let Donnie go and fix it, Master Splinter suggested that this would serve as a good reminder of where we came from and the times before we had electricity, yadayadayadayada. There went my gaming for the night.

Leo’s the one who thought hide and seek would be the perfect thing to do. I bet he wanted to get back at us for all our failtastic training sessions lately. Probably trying to use this as a good example of just why we should be practicing harder or something like that.

Pfft. Whatever.

So, that’s why I’m hiding in the training room, clinging to the rafters like a leech. ‘Cause when you think ‘Mikey’ you really don’t think ‘place where he regularly gets his butt whooped’. I bet Leo’s expecting to find me in my room or in the kitchen, or by the entertainment center. Come on, I may not be the brains in the family, but I ain’t that dumb. Still would rather be anywhere else than here.

Did I mention that the power’s off?

Do you have any idea how creepy the dojo is without even the flicker of a candle (which would actually make things creepier come to think of it).

The door slides open and I hold my breath and scrunch my eyes shut. ‘Cause you just know that Leo would pick up on even the tiniest whimper or sigh.

Cramp. Cramp. Cramp. Don’t squeak. Don’t squeak. Don’t squeak.

He must not have seen me cause the door shut and I could hear him walking away.

I let out my breath.

Yes! Go me!

Cramping feet won’t hold the Battle Nexus Champion down!

“Knew you were in here.”

“Yeeeeeeeeep!” I jumped and let go of the rafter and land headfirst on the floor.  Ow! I stare up at Leo standing over me with his damned self-satisified smirk on his face. “How the shell did you do that?? You left!”

Leonardo only laughed at me and went off to look for the others.

Aw shell, and now my head hurts along with my feet. Owowowowowowow!­

michelangelo, tmnt, fanfic

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