1000 word drabble XD

Oct 09, 2008 07:57

Still not technically back from hiatus (nor am I likely to return on time). Currently on vacation, but writing is slow when I have the chance to sit down, and it's on Star Crossed (normally) so I have nothing to post.

I might do a vacation post if I can get off my arse.

Title Prowl/Sideswipe/Reassurance
Pairings Prowl/Sideswipe
Word Count 930 word drabble XD;
Summary Despite being bonded, especially when dealing with a mech like Prowl, sometimes you need to hear a few special words.
Author's Note Written for Lunenightingale who's been feeling overwrought and (when asked) wanted some fluff. (-hugs- Don't overstress yourself!) I was more than happy to oblige. (I don't write nearly enough fluff.) Also of note, this takes place in the same universe as 'Just a Little of Your Attention, Please?' and 'Shall We Dance?' far far in the future. Should I ever get there.  (Whee! Good-bye any sense of chronology!)

The noise tremored through his doorwings, a background static that he tuned out, bent over his datapads and signing away his spark to the various departments that made up the United States government. Mechs softly talked around him, mindful of their words with an officer of such high rank in their midst.

“Is this seat taken?”

Prowl didn’t have to look up to see the speaker. Truthfully, he didn’t even need his audio receptors active in order to hear that request. The question resonated within his very spark, a strange sensation he’d never grown accustomed to, despite the numberof times that it had occurred.

“You should not have to ask that question Sideswipe.” He didn’t even bother to look up then, though he felt the flash of quickly stifled anger at his easy dismissal.

A black hand shoved Prowl’s data pads to the far edge, allowing Sideswipe to lean his full weight on the tabletop and lean down to glare at Prowl. “And why are you working in here if you’re off duty?”

Prowl reached over Sideswipe’s hand to slide one of the pads back toward him. “The humans do not work on our time, Sideswipe, I must, therefore, work on theirs even when I am scheduled off.”

For a moment, Sideswipe gripped the tactician’s arm just before he slumped into the seat that had been his since Prowl had sat down. “So you’re going to spend all evening in here? Workin on these stupid,” and he smacked at the datapads, “things?”

“I am as regretful of that fact as you are, but you are welcome to join me.” Prowl turned his attention to the Secretary of State’s letter, composing a response even as he read through the letter. “We can still talk, I will manage.” He always did.

They sat there for a good few cycles, Sideswipe shifting uncomfortably and growing quieter with each passing breem. Prowl responded, but didn’t spare the processing power to start topics of his own. He didn’t even notice that Sideswipe had rested his head on the table until he happened to glance up, intending to ask Sideswipe to retrieve an energon cube for him.

His doorwings twitched at seeing the forlorn neutrality on Sideswipe’s face. “Sideswipe, is something the matter?”

The dark optics flashed online and a frown pinched across his face only to be replaced by a disinterested stare. “Ah, don’t worry about me, Prowler. I mean, you’ve got all those datapads to worry about and all.” He waved a hand at Prowl, turning his face away.

Prowl stared at the mech, long and hard, sending a query over their bond. He was surprised when he encountered a wall where normally he could find a little bit of warmth to see him through a long day. “Sides?” he tried again, leaning forward to see the other’s face.
Sideswipe seemed to sag on the table, a defeated sigh rushing from his vents. “Does it even matter to you?”

Prowl’s fingers twitched from the shoulder he’d been about to lay his hand on. He sent another, more forceful, query, trying to get asense of his lover’s mindset.

Sideswipe sat up, pushing the pile of datapads back toward Prowl. “Why don’t you just get on with your work, I’ll see you on the recharge cycle.”

Ah! So that was his problem. Prowl caught Sideswipe’s arm, reaching across the table, his bumper scraping the table top. “I can split my attention between two things evenly, I am sorry if you feel neglected.”

Sideswipe pulled away slightly, and Prowl wondered what he’d said wrong. Still he didn’t relinquish his hold on the red mech, determined to find out just what was bothering his unusually evasive bondmate.

The other mech refused to meet the tactician’s optics and he mumbled something that Prowl couldn’t quite make out.

“I am sorry, Sides, what was that?”

Sideswipe vented harshly, glaring up at Prowl. “I said, do you even care about me anymore? All you ever seem to want to do is work.”

Prowl processed that for a tic. He then decided to run that through again, pressing against the walled-off bond as he worked those words through his social protocols. He stood and with determined steps, walked around the table to stand next to Sideswipe.

A white hand rested against the black crown, pulling a surprised Sideswipe toward him to rest his head on his torso. He let the mech sit there for a long breem or two, stroking the angular horns comfortingly, doing his best to ignore the blatant stares he and Sideswipe were receiving. Then he leaned over Sideswipe, though he was unable to see him past his protruding bumper. “I might have a lot of work to do, but it is to keep you safe, Sideswipe. I do it to ensure that you will be here when I come online after every recharge cycle. I do it, because I love you.”

Sideswipe seemed to take a full breem to process those words, before his arms wrapped tightly around Prowl’s waist. Then he pulled the tactician down for a sloppy kiss and another fierce hug, one that Prowl returned with a much more subdued grip. The bond opened between them, showering Prowl with the relief and echoes of despair. Prowl tightened his grip almost imperceptibly.

Sideswipe finally released him and shoved him back to his seat. But his optics danced and his grin spoke of the return of the mech Prowl had grown to care for. And Prowl worked, Sideswipe’s voice a reassuring murmur in his audio receptors and a comforting song within his spark.

pissy bonded, prowl/sideswipe, fanfic

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