
Apr 22, 2008 06:25

You just need a little smut.

Especially since Star Crossed is looking rather PiSSy smutless at the moment. This is so incredibly PWP, it's almost not funny... although I justify it with a little bit of background for femme!Prowl.

Title Hidden by Armor
Pairing Prowl/Sideswipe 
Warnings More'n likely NSFW, worse though, it's (mechanical) stickythink this one achieves it to a lesser degree than the last Once again, Prowl's character has been butchered.
Summary In an alley, in the dark, two Autobots indulge

Part One (also PWP)

Darkness threaded through the small alleyway in a little used sector of Iacon. Trash littered the pathway, refuse from a more prosperous time. Amid the refuse lay gleaming bits of empty, but clean armor. They stood out in the junk like treasure, like a scattered trail left by pirates, it led to two forms hidden deep within the shadows.

“Prowl- unnnh!”

Black hands scrabbled at her shoulders, caressing and pulling. They swept down the curve of her body, pausing on the hinges of her doors before moving on to swirl over her breasts.

Sideswipe's ventilator rasped within his chest, huffing bursts of heated air, and drawing in the cool night air. She could feel the thrum of his ventilation under her fingers; the power coursing in the lines hidden by the thin layer of metal that shaped his neck as she traced her lips over his collar ridge. “What?” she whispered, panting eagerly. She took care to vocalize out of what was now her secondary voicebox. Her primary vocalizer could easily quell his arousal, but not in a way that satisfied either of them.

She shifted, running her hands over his torso. Her thighs brushed his twitching hardware, making him gasp and writhe under her. He grabbed at her doorwings, running circles over their backs and into the hinge joint. She smiled and shifted again, enjoying the soft mewling cry that burst out of his mouth. She moved up to attend to his neck, one hand stroking down his shoulder.

“You're being... hrrrrrn,” a growl rumbled from between his dental plates, interrupting his complaint, “so mean.” His hips bucked, emphasizing his objection.

She hummed against his neck, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. Her fingertips outlined the invisible joint at his shoulder and she bent to allow her breasts to drag across his holding area. He gripped her shoulders, trying to bring her up so that he might kiss her. She braced her arms and resisted his pull, digging her dental plates into the junction of his neck and his jaw. His fingers spasmed, and he writhed, his twitching shaft touching her thigh again. The slick lubricant that covered the shaft was already cooling from exposure to the air.

She reached up to her mouth, lifting her head to look at him. She swept two of her fingers inside her mouth, scooping out a small amount of lubricant inside tiny indentations on her fingers. She touched those same two fingers to her lover's lips, dragging a line of the sweet-smelling fluid across his upper lip.

Sideswipe's dim optics flared brighter as he moved toward her hand, groaning plaintively. “Prowl...”

“Yes, Sideswipe” she breathed, pulling her hand away from his mouth and smiling in satisfaction as his face turned to follow.

“I want you,” he crooned. His hands squealed their way down down the line of her back as far as they could reach and pulled at her waist.

She wriggled her hips in mock acquiescence as she ran her fingers over his bottom lip. He panted against her fingertips, his glossa snaking out to capture the lubricant she traced on him. She paused, allowing him to twine the rubbery sensor around her fingers and draw them into his mouth. “I'm sure you do, Sideswipe.”

She twitched her fingers as he sucked at them, his glossa dragging across them again and again. She leaned down to finally kiss those irresistable lips. Her glossa flicked out to wipe up a little of the lubricant and he snatched her hand away to have full access to her mouth.

“I want to feel you in my spark, Prowl. Like I've only ever known Sunny. What's stopping us from bonding?”

She squeezed her optics closed, trying to shut out his commed request, and the memories they called forth.

Sunstreaker clung to her, his tears wetting her decorative helmet, and the thin chevron adorning it. She clung to him, her own tears shining on his golden chestplate, decorated with the remnants of his latest project. His hands clenching at her doorwings left smears of dye and clay across the blue paint. No words were spoken. None were needed.

Sideswipe lay in surgery, a victim to the Decepticon's brutality.

She could never tell him her real reasons for not joining him in a bonding ritual, that most sacred of alliances between sparks. She could not tell him, that she would not want to chance dying with him if the war took him from her.

If he died, she wanted to live to be able to avenge him, and even his brother.

She screamed.

Her hands pressed against her face, but she couldn't look away. She couldn't believe her optics, they had to be deceiving her. She had come here, certain to find him standing in the crowd of disoriented survivors, certain that he would turn to her with that cocky grin of hers.

She closed her optics, trying to withold the tears that threatened to leak out. She smiled, a bitter smirk that didn't feel right on her face. “Let you past my firewalls, Sideswipe? You know that's a risk we can't take.” Her lips moved across his, as she tried to hide the sob that racked her frame. “How would I explain to Crossbow just why I'm coming to have a partial spark extraction, Sideswipe?”

Sideswipe pushed her face away, optics wide. “You wouldn't, would you? He wouldn't...”

Tears leaked out of her optics as she looked at him and his thumbs brushed them away. “He would,” her vocalizer hissed with emotion, “because he wouldn't want to explain to Prime why his tactician has gone into stasis lock from spark drain.” She kissed him again, trying to silence him and take her mind off the matter.

She could never tell Sideswipe how hatred twisted her spark, and how she had vowed to Sunstreaker that the Decepticons would pay.

Fluids pooled within every hole on his body, and holes riddled his frame. She almost didn't recognize him, but for the golden mech crouched over the broken, twisted body, grief rolling off him in palpable waves. She would never have believed that was her lover. That was Sideswipe.

She screamed.

Dropping to her knees, fingers clawing at her lying eyes.

She screamed.

He cupped her cheeks, and his hand pulled away briefly.“Prowl, sparkles,” he caressed her cheeks seam, tracing the tear track that prevented optical fluids from reaching the cortex, “what is it, what's the matter?”

She vented harshly and kissed him into silence, straddling his hips.

“Seriously, Prowl what's -ah!”

Her glossa flicked out, teasing across his own as he gasped. She lowered herself a little further, the plug at the tip of his shaft scraping inside her. He grabbed her waist, trying to stop her as she teased his hardware, and yet his hips bucked with the sensation.

She kissed down his jaw, nipping at his throat, feeling the vibrations of his moans.

He kneaded her waist, the indecision clear in the pressure of his fingers. “You're cheating,” he hissed with pleasure as she pressed herself onto him.

Her lips covered his. He groaned, his optics darkening and half-shuttering as he shivered beneath her. He thrust himself up, pushing her hips down. She teased her glossa along his, hand reaching up to caress and tweak one of his audio horns.

He shifted, panting even faster. He fondled her breasts, his hands excited and needy as they dug into her doorwings.

“You want this over so soon, Sideswipe? Hold still.”

He moaned at the gentle words, thrusting into her again.

She pulled his hands away and pushed them to the dirty ground. “I said, hold still.” She waited until his hips stopped their insistent rocking before she pulled away.

His optics flashed brighter, and he whimpered, reaching for her.

She slapped his hand away. “Hold still.” She pushed herself back down, conscious of the plug scraping toward her port. She moved over him, never letting him connect, and never pulling completely off. Her hands dug into his sides, as she allowed herself to be lost in the pleasure of having him between her legs, inside her, his hand clutching at her thigh.

“I can't... Prowl, please...” he panted, he moved to grab her, rising as though to roll them over.

Prowl tweaked a sensor in his side, stalling his movement. “Hold still.”

He whimpered, pleading with her to let him go, even though she held him with nothing more than her words.

She kissed his neck, his collar ridge, his mouth, letting her glossa paint swirls over his plating, her hips still continuing their inexorably slow motion.

Sideswipe's whimpers turned into a building keen of a desire. “You drive me crazy, Prowl!”

She smiled against his neck. “Oh, I'm sorry, are you ready.” She rocked her hips with a little more thrust than her previous movements.

Prowl only received a wordless growl as an answer, Sideswipe's optics glowed bright in the shadows.

She nipped at his nasal ridge. “You can do better than that.” She thrust her hips again.

“ Please, oh please, Prowl. I want you so bad. You... feel so good!” His hands went for her hips again, and she didn't stop them, only paying enough attention to them to give the wrists a light pat.

He drove himself upward, crying out with desire.

She pulled away, rather than meeting his thrust, teasing smile on her lips.

His fingers curled on her white thighs, and he bared his dental plates in a feral grin as his optics flared. He lunged upward, rolling her onto her back, into a cushion of scrap.

She laughed as he closed his dental plates on her neck, denting metal. As his hands squeezed her breasts; dug into her doorwings. She laughed as she held his hips away from where they poised to thrust madly into her.

“Pro~wl!” his wail echoed throughout the alleyway.

It made her circuits sing to hear him cry out her name with that much need, and want. He kissed her, caressed her, a wild machine that wanted nothing more than to satisfy its programming.

She let him go, twining her armored legs around him as he drove himself into her, hard and fast. She met his thrusts, her doorwings aching from the angle they were pressed down at. His plug scraped against her port, shoving almost painfully in his enthusiasm. He no longer touched or caressed her, his face set in a grimace as he tried to make that connection that would give them the closest sense of completion outside of a bond. She touched him however, enjoying his shivers, and the sounds she wrenched from his vocalizer.

“Primus!” she hissed as he pressed deeply into her, panting, only to continue as he failed to connect.

The plug suddenly snapped into place, jolting them both in surprise. He threw his head back in a roar, his energy pulsing up the wire connected directly to her spark chamber. She wailed as the firewalls activated, dispersing that energy everywhere else. She felt it crackle out of her fingertips, leaching out of her doorhinges in bright blue bolts.

Her processor rushed with the amount of energy pouring from her lover, built up from her teasing for this glorious release. Cycling back from him from her hands clenching at his neck.

Her systems seized in an overload, locking her arms as they were around his shoulders, and she wailed again, vision fritzing and audio receptors receiving nothing but static.

Sideswipe hung over her, panting, propped up by an elbow that she only then realized dug into her doorwing. She moaned at him, unable to get her vocalizer to cooperate. He seemed to understand and rolled off her.

They lay like that for several breems, half way into shut down.

Low energy warnings flashing in her HUD, she pulled a goodie container out of subspace, proferring two of the wafers to the warrior. Slightly revitalized by the compact energon, they gathered their armor together, sorting through it and donning it once more.

When she was certain it wouldn't shock their systems, she offered him another two goodies.

“I have my own, you know,” he muttered, still taking the two she handed him. He lay back, still panting from the exertion.

“Didn't take it out,” she replied, lying on her side next to him. His arm snaked around her shoulders, pulling her closer so that he could kiss her tenderly on the lips.

“I love you, Prowl. Don't ever change.”

Her optics half-shuttered she smiled sleepily, tucking her body protectively over his. “Love you, too, Sideswipe.”

So composed they fell into recharge.

transformers, smut r us, prowl/sideswipe, stickyverse, fanfic

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