An Auld Love

Jan 22, 2012 01:36

moonlighten I wrote this for her as I love her Scotland/France fics and I think she does a great job at portraying the emotional side of relationships. However (and this is just my opinion) I think Scotland, while remaining very loyal to France as an ally would not put up with his shit as a lover for as long as he did. In my mind he is too impatient for that and plus if history teaches us anything it is that Scotland looks after Scotland.

I just recently found  out by reading another comment the Scotland was the first country in Europe and perhaps the world to embrace the idea that if your King wasn't doing you any good you could dispose of him.

So I think the second Scotland realised that France was bad for him he would have broken it off. I certainly think France would have suceeded in winning him back many times but you know France, just can't keep it in his trousers.

Seriously read some of
moonlighten's  fics. They're great.

Strong arms were wrapped around him and felt himself be lifted into the air. The lips he was kissing were chapped but no less delicious for it. His hands travelled up the strong neck and entangled themselves in fiery hair; they tightened when he felt teeth bite his lip.

A hand made its way under his fine silk shirt and toyed with the skin underneath. Then those strong hands grabbed his hips and threw him onto the bed behind him...

France woke up. He was panting and sweating.

This dream was always the same; he woke up as soon as he hit the bed. Of course he remembered what really happened that night but when he dreamed about it he never got to the end. He was always left dissatisfied.

This always happened when he began thinking about Scotland, they were still the auld alliance but they hardly saw each other anymore. Their alliance had been thinned down but neither of them could bring themselves to dissolve it completely. 700 years it had been since they had entered into that pack and even then they had already known each other for a good number of centuries. For the life of him France couldn't understand why they kept breaking up ... oh wait a minute yes he could.

Scotland always broke it off when he found the blond nation getting into bed with some other country. Loyalty was very important to Scotland which is probably why he never abandoned France in his hours of need (no matter how little the latter did for him in return) but it was also probably why he couldn't accept France the way he was. If France wasn't going to be faithful then the red-head couldn't be with him.

Of course France always succeeded in winning him back. Despite his rough exterior and tough reputation, Scotland was a sucker for sweet words. Not to mention a very sexual country (which was to France's advantage).

The truth was; that was the case for all the British nations. They all had libidos the size of the Oceans but they always kept them bottled up, monogamous and behind closed doors. That was something France couldn't never understand, love was meant to be free and widely expressed, and it didn't do good to keep it bottled up. So the blond nation didn't understand why Scotland got so jealous when he gave his attention to another country; there was more than enough of him to go around.

Of course at the moment it never occurred to France that whenever Scotland and he were broken up and he saw his ex with someone else he was no better. When that happened all he wanted to do was grabbed the red-headed nation and drag him away. Unfortunately he didn't have the luxury of doing that because Scotland's last lover was Russia and France (as much as he wanted to) wouldn't even dare touch Scotland in the presence of that nation.

Still, France had to do something about these dreams. He hated waking up feeling hot and bothered and dissatisfied. He tried on more than one occasion to go out and find a one night stand but even when he did, he was still dissatisfied and his own touch did no better.

Scotland would be at the conference of countries tomorrow. Surprisingly it was England's idea. He was doing it to appease Scotland's troublesome boss because if he didn't do something to make Scotland feel more important then, that would just further push the Scottish people to vote in favour of independence and the UK couldn't afford that, especially in this delicate economic crisis.

Still, even though the conference was tomorrow France just couldn't wait until then to get these feelings out of the way and plus, Russia would be there. France couldn't talk very intimately to his ex if Russia was there. Even though Scotland had long since broken up with the large, slightly unstable nation; Russia still didn't seem to like seeing the redhead with anyone else and France could see where he was coming from.

So the blond nation looked through the info pamphlet he was given for this meeting and looked up which hotel Scotland would be staying in. Once he found that he picked up the phone and dialed the number asking to be put through to his ex-lover’s room.

"Do you know what bloody time it is?" mumbled a tired and irritated voice which picked up after the fifth ring.

France smiled, he missed that voice. Scotland was very much a morning person but he did not appreciate being woken up this early in the morning. "C'est moi, mon amour," drawled France slowly in the way he knew Scotland liked.

"France?" questioned the man on the other end of the line. "I repeat; do you know what bloody time it is."

France chuckled, "Je suis desole." he knew he could get Scotland awake and listening if he was just given a few minutes to work his magic but then he heard another voice in the background.

"Is someone there with you?" France asked, unconsciously abandoning his seductive tone.

Scotland sighed, "Look France whatever this is I'm sure it can wait until tomorrow. Ok, see you later."

And then he hung up. France didn't know how long he lay there staring at his hotel phone. So Scotland had a guest, who was it? What were they like? How long had they been going out? Was it serious?

All these questions whirled through the French Nation's mind and he wasn't quite sure why; he didn't own Scotland. The man was free to do whatever he wanted with whomever he wanted. Wasn't that what France had said the whole time they had been together?

Ah but there was a difference there, France had been talking about his right to do what he wanted with whomever he wanted. It had never occurred to him that Scotland had the same right.

France didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Not only was he now sexually dissatisfied and overflowing with feelings of jealousy and possessiveness (though he would never admit that) but now he was petrified about tomorrow's conference. He was sure he knew that voice he had heard in the background.

scotland/france, hetalia, russia, china, scotland/russia, scotland, scotland/china, france

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