Through The Middle: Theme

Mar 21, 2008 10:49

When you have a really nice image but you can't find a place to put any text, what do you do? One solution I've found is to put a horizontal stripe across the picture and put the text on that. Sometimes you may want to embellish the strip a little bit, add some brushes or texture-- sometimes I even use another image entirely to create a strip in the middle of my icons.

Sometimes the strips don't go all the way across the icon-- you can erase part of the strip to make part of the icon look like it's in the foreground. And sometimes I want my stripe to be subtle, and I make it somewhat see-through.

No matter how you use the horizontal stripe, it's a good technique to be familiar with.


This contest's theme is

Through the Middle

All icons submitted must have some sort of horizontal strip going across them. This strip can be flat color, a brush, another image entirely, and/or partially transparent. You can do whatever you want with it, really, as long as you have some sort of horizontal thing across (or most of the way across) your icon. It's okay if it's not 100 pixels wide, as long as it's a recognizable horizontal stripe.

The strip does not actually have to be in the center of the icon, despite the name of the contest. ^_^

Also, you don't need to put text on your icons if you don't want to. The horizontal stripe is also an effective division of two images.

Here are some examples of acceptable icons:

You can submit up to three icons, if you want to-- but you can just make one, or two, if you prefer. You can make text-based icons, icons featuring celebrities, icons of anime characters, icons that focus on natural phenomena, icons that are animated and/or icons that consist of just brushes. Any kind of (non-X-rated) material is fair game for use in these icons.

Icons are due by 9PM PST on April 5th. Post your entries to this post-- comments are screened.

Have fun, and ask me if you have any questions!
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