Inappropriate Caps Day

Feb 24, 2009 09:10

Tell us About a rough Patch in Your Day today using inappropriate Caps on random Words.

It's fun. It's therapeutic. You get to Stretch your Writing Skillz. You may also acquire Sympathy and/or glomps, possibly Tea, coffee-or a dry Martini.

Really, I don't see A Downside To this, at All.

mod post, inappropriate caps day, subtleties of inspiration, whine and cheese

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Comments 48

koslorollo February 24 2009, 15:16:14 UTC
Well, I'm trying far Too Hard to make this day a True Repeat of yesterday, because yesterday was such a good day. I got A LOT of work done, both around the House and in Writing.

But now that I've exercised and have made Iced Coffee, I am COLD. And must Find More Layers to put on.

And then Unconfuse myself about What To Do with Story.


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 15:18:34 UTC
I am COLD as Well. However, I am Always COLD.

This is Hard. True Story.


kseda February 24 2009, 16:16:02 UTC
Today's Layers included a short-sleeved turtle neck (Purple), my fleece jacket (Black), my Wool Coat (also Black), and one of the fleece scarves (stripey, with Violently Clashing Colors including Purple).

I have had lemon tea, a Coffee, and now a Chai. Also a piece of King Cake as it is mardi Gras and Loo-zee-yan-ah law firms enjoy Making Us Fat.

*perches, muse-like, and Gazes Adoringly at you*


koslorollo February 24 2009, 17:50:28 UTC
Your scarf sounds Amazing! (Have I seen this in a Picture?)

Wow, I know a certain someone-Someone who is going to be making many trips to the Loo. ;)

King Cake! I have heard of This. I still have Discount chocolate from Discount Chocolate day. *pats hips* Yup.

I took a Shower and am now reasonably Warm, but my feet are always the first to get Cold. Damn it all. They don't make enough Socks for this.

Are you staring at My Good Side? *checks to make Sure*

Also, I find this Kind of Addicting.


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 15:17:30 UTC
does Waking Up constitute as A rough Patch?

Is this what You meant?

Or diD you mEAn like tHiS? O.o Yeah.. I think I just lost a few more brain cells.

*channels Gryffindor*


Can I get you a tea, m'dear? A PopTart, perhaps?

Anyone? *offers box of PopTarts*


koslorollo February 24 2009, 15:27:24 UTC
LOL, the first version of Randomly Placed Inappropriate Caps.

Maybe you need a better sleep schedule? Go to bed at the same time. Wake up at the same time. Even on weekends. It works, but, then again, it's hard to want to do it. (Well, not for me, because I have no social life and so it doesn't matter if I go to bed at 11 or, for that matter, 9:30.)

I don't know, why Were You Up until 2 AM?

d00d, I actually Have Pop tarts. I do, I do! *runs to go get one* Because I had one Yesterday, too.

And while I'm doing that, I can grab My Sweater. Still haven't done that yet... I was Reading about Cheetahs.


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 15:29:24 UTC
I wish I knew... every Once in a while, the brain seems to Revert to college and I'm wide awake.


The other Problem is that, Once I "go" To Bed, it takes a good Hour for the brain To shut off.

There's No way I'm gonna Make ESPN on Thursday morning... *grumbles*

edit to Add Caps


kseda February 24 2009, 15:30:14 UTC
In which K. Seda tears her Flippy Coiffure from her head in Abject Dismay (an Epistle):

My Dearest Detective W. B. Cain (the B is because I have just now Decided that Topeka!Cain's middle name is Bradley),

Look. I am giving you an Award-Worthy Scene, one which if "Twister City" were indeed a Critically Acclaimed television show which had truly earned its status as Must See TV would have Neal McDonough rolling in Emmys. This would make him Rather Sore afterward, but my point stands.

I am currently holding back from giving you Tears of Emo, but only just. If you persist in not Bringing It I may have to employ Drastic Measures, such as listening to The Smiths on Repeat. You may Scoff, but Woe to he who underestimates "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me."

Do Not Make Me Do This.

Much Love, as always,
- K. Seda, Author


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 15:31:59 UTC
Do not Be Fooled.

These are Tears of emoJoy.

Oh My God, the JOY...


kseda February 24 2009, 17:40:15 UTC
There is actually a much more Wildly Appropriate Smiths Song but I cannot give it away for the titel is a Spoiler. Feel free to Guess (Wrongly).


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 18:19:42 UTC
Oh the Crack! It burns...

*Sticks Steve back into Fire*

The possibilities

*in awe Of you*


rissy_james February 24 2009, 15:42:53 UTC
I'm So glad that Someone wants to hear about My rough patch day. I hope I'm Doing this Right but I figure it doesn't Quite Matter.

Picture, If You Will, a cloud of Dust rolling Across the Floor. Now, picture two Pairs of arms And Two pairs Of Legs, sticking out at Random Awkward Angles, with a Lot of snorting And screaming And Preschooler Cussing. ("Ow! Stupid! You're NOT Nice.")

And such is My Day.

Please note: it Is 9:42 AM. Only Ten more hours Until Bedtime.


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 16:40:21 UTC
Dude... it's like a live-action Garrett vs Wyatt SmackDown!! LMAO!



luchia13 February 24 2009, 16:04:03 UTC
While this is Very Much not the Place or Time, after being asked about a Rough Patch, my mind draws towards My Dearest Brother that Fell off his Motorcycle and Nobody will tell me Anything about his Health, other than He Is Breathing.

Also I have been reading Pieces of Literature with 1700s-Style Random Caps all Quarter. I Barely Noticed them until my Second read-thru of this Post.

I think I will Make Hot Chocolate, despite it being Fifty degrees out, considering there is still Snow On The Ground from a Couple days Ago and it Always cheers me up.

Also, in most of my Literary Learnings, the 'Random' caps were used In Place of Italics, Bolding, or Underlining, which were Far More Expensive while publishing, as opposed to Simply showing Emphasis through Capital Letters.


kseda February 24 2009, 16:11:28 UTC
*drops Pretense and glomps*


luchia13 February 24 2009, 16:14:15 UTC
*clings D:*


erinm_4600 February 24 2009, 16:41:51 UTC

I find this tidbit oddly fascinating... *ponders*


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