The Boy in a Skirt

Nov 08, 2007 22:48

Title: The Boy in a Skirt [1/?]
Author: ohvick
Pairing: Mikey/Frank (mostly)
Rating: PG-13 - R
POV: Mikey
Summary: This is a story of the evil that exists right under our very noses, and the consequences of falling in love…with a boy in a skirt.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these people. Just the plot.
Author Notes: wrote this last year. never finished. hope to finish :D
Dedication: Kristina. you started this.
Beta: i'd really appreciate one.

I tried to forget about him, I really did. And I succeeded…for a while. Some things just never leave you, I guess.

I lived in the center of the world, alone and undisturbed.

But that was before Frank invaded.

Frank Iero. The annoying little cut on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you’d stop tonguing it. The little fag trespassed on my property. I remember the first time I’d seen him in Mia Mente, a place I created. Giggling this obnoxious boyish giggle, I could hear him in the distance through from where I sat under a willow tree.

The noise broke the sound barrier, or seemed like it did. There had never been any sound there, as much as I remember. I felt it wake me up a little, but didn’t think much of the strange feeling.

I sat up quickly, my ears on high alert. Had I imagined it? One minute…two minutes passed by. I started to settle back down when I heard it again, followed by a tiny voice, “Mikey, c’mon and play with me!” It echoed in the vast flatland.

I shot up. Someone else was there that shouldn’t be there, where I was the sunshine everything revolved around. Planet Me. Someone else was there and they knew me. I scanned the endless fields for any sign of life.

“Mikey, over here!” I followed the voice, but couldn’t see anyone. “Miiiiikey…get your skinny ass up and play with me!”

The giggling continued, louder now, and I noticed it was more like a recorded clip of laughter played over and over, a little sketchy. Faster and faster I walked, “C’mon, Mikey, you can do better than that.” becoming a sort of jog, “You’re almost there…” then, soon escalating to a full on run. Whoever was there, I wanted to find out. I had to find out so I could tell whoever it was to leave me alone, and maybe even teach them a little lesson so they won’t dare think of entering my world anymore. I ran as fast as my bare feet can take me on the vibrant green grass- “STOP!” the voice suddenly exclaimed, the echo ringing in my ears. Looking down, I saw my toes dangling off the end of the lush, green hills.

It was La Morte- the dark half of Mia Mente, where the sun stopped shining. Vast and empty, save for the promising icy cold feeling and deep within the depths sounded slithering noises of…whatever. I wasn’t so foreign to La Morte. The times I’ve slipped off the edge, I’d suddenly find myself in a nightmare, running and hiding from one thing or another. I avoided it as much as possible.

“Be careful there. That’s a scary place.” The voice wasn’t an echo in my head anymore, but a presence next to me. It lost its childish tone, and was much more a serious whisper. I looked to the right. There he was, in a sort of trance, gazing out at the beyond. I got a chance to examine him fully.

He was very young, much shorter than me, by about half a foot. His hair was outgrown, flicking over his ears in baby waves, fraying in every direction the wind blew, framing his little face. Short, thin limbs and a pert torso. His tight fitting clothes made him look feminine. My eyes traveled back up to his face. His big earthy greens reminded me of a baby’s. He had a little button noise, and a small mouth, which opened slightly to say, “Let’s jump.” So quiet. The second I felt his hand grasp mine, I pulled away.

Panting furiously from the run, I grunted out, “Who are you?” He smiled at me. I blinked under his gaze, he was smaller, but this aura of confidence surrounded him. I found it highly unnerving.

“Mikey, I’m disappointed in you.” He feigned shock. “How can you not ‘member your bestest best friend in the whole wide world?” I frowned.

“Who are you?”

His right hand traveled up to idly twirl with a piece of his hair. “…Frank.” Simply said.

“Okay…Frank,” I said with all the authority I could muster up in one word. “please leave Mia-”

“Frank Iero.”

“Excuse me?”

“My name is Frank Iero.”

“That’s nice. As I was saying, I want you to leave-”

“No. I’m gonna jump. You wanna join me?”

Taken aback, “What?!”

“I said no. I’m not gonna leave.”

“And why not?”

“’Cause…” Still facing the infinite abyss. “I like this place. I don’t wanna go.”

“Well that’s too damn bad because you have no choice.”

“Sharing is caring…” He sang.

I blew up. Mia Mente was the only place I could be at peace and by Frank being there, I felt as if the only part of my life left for myself was robbed from me. I didn’t want to share. Call me selfish I just want to be alone! I wanted to shout at him.

I stammered in frustration. “Y-you don’t u-understand. This is-this is my home. My home! You can’t just barge in here!”

Silence. Oddly, I hated him silent, too. I began to panic. “Leave Mia Mente!” I shouted.


“Leave Mia Mente! LEAVE MIA MENTE!”

“I’m jumping.” He moved his hands to take off his pink shirt. I yanked his left arm and turned his lithe body to fully face me.

“Frank, you listen to me! I need this so GET OUT!” I shouted in his face, shaking him roughly, hurting him. His body easily breakable and bruising under my vice-like grip. Such a fragile boy. For a second I kind of felt sorry for Frank- hurting something so innocent- but only for a second.

I let go with a push causing him to tumble back a few steps. His head bowed. I was steaming with anger, breathing in irregular puffs.

“You hurt me, Mikey.” Frank mumbled, his face hidden behind the hair. Then he was gone. Without warning, he had dived into La Morte.

I was left standing there, knowing he’d be back. I began to walk back to the willow tree, wondering how terrified Frank might be, what his nightmare was.

Before I’d taken merely 6 steps, a scream of terror accompanied with a big gust of wind came from La Morte, pushing me down flat on my face.

That’s when I woke up.

I gasped, my eyes shot open. A blurry bright light stung my eyes and I winced. I desperately grasped on to any memory of the dream before it would quickly fade.

“He’s awake! Look Donald, he’s waking up!” A woman’s voice beside me.

“Oh thank goodness.” A man’s voice. Happiness and relief evident in their words. “Mikey…how are you feeling?” A big hand covered mine and squeezed warmly.

I croaked. “Wha-what’s- where am I?” Every part of my body ached and throbbed. My head felt so horrible I could barely think straight, and my blurred vision only served to make it worse. I squinted when the man handed me a pair of glasses that I slipped on without question. Better. Not great, but better.

“You’re in a hospital now. You’re fine. Oh I’m so glad you’re awake. I was so worried.” My eyes soon adjusted to the brightness. The woman was in her early forties, with soft brown eyes and long dark locks. Tear tracks ran down her cheeks. Her smile so lovely with the barest hint of wrinkles. Confusion spread over me from her words. “You were in a car accident. Do you remember?”

“W-what? W-…what…a-accident? Who a-are you?” It was so hard getting it out, having to stop and concentrate on saying the words.

“We were afraid this would happen.” I faced the man. Brown eyes brimming with tears. His face, full of despair. "I'm your dad. You remember, don't you?

Cupping my cheeks in her hands so I could face the woman. “Please tell me you remember. Please remember!”

It was sad to watch her cry. I felt sorry for her, for the both of them. I didn’t know them. “Ah-I-I…sor- Sorry.”

She looked at me with shock. Frozen. She couldn’t believe it. Would not believe it. Her lower lip trembling, her hands shaking around my face, fingers curling away. “No!” She shrieked. “Oh God, Michael, please tell me you remember!” The man had gone over to her to hold her in his arms. He tried to calm her down and pull her away from me, but she refused the comfort, fisting my shirt and burying her head in my chest. Her sobs were heartbreaking. I wish I could’ve done something, anything, but I really didn’t know them.

Trying to escape her grip, my hands went up, away from her. I watched as the man pried her off me. Her body was trembling as she turned away to cry onto his shoulder. I saw that he was also crying, silently.

I didn’t know them.

Panic crept over me. What had happened to me? When was I in a car accident? Question after question ran through my head. I found my voice again, more scared than in a nightmare. “P-Please tell me what’s g-going on.”

The man looked at me deeply. “2 months ago…you-you were in a car accident, with your older brother, Gerard.” His voice cracked like it was hard to speak.

“W-what happened?”

He shut his eyes tightly, the tears finally falling, leaving wet trails. “You were coming home from a Halloween party in Bellville. And…-and you someone crashed into you.” He knelt down beside me and placed his hand over mine once again. It was somewhat comforting. “You’ve been in a coma ever since…. The doctors say that you hit your head where it might’ve affected your memory. We don’t know how much. Tell me, what do you know? What do you remember about your life?”

I was speechless. So used to Mia Mente, I couldn’t grasp the reality. My cheeks were wet. I’d been crying and I hadn’t noticed. My breathing becoming abnormal.

“N-no…no, this isn’t h-happening. Th-this is…a…-a nnnightmare!” They flinched at the sudden outburst. I couldn’t blame them. I’d startled myself too. “I-I’m in La M-morte! I need- I need to wake up, wake up!” Wake up to what exactly? “Th-this c-can’t be happening. It just…can’t!”

“I know this is hard. I know. But just please try to understand.” He tried to hold me. That stranger tried to hold me.

“NO! G-get away! G-get of-off me!” I kicked.

My head pounded, harder and harder. The pleas from the man, the cries from the woman- they were fading.

And just like that, I was in gone.

a/n: so there it is. don't laugh! :P
well, i really really like this story. im surprised i actually thought of this and then completely forgot about it for centuries.
i have more chapters. should i post more?

"The annoying little cut on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you’d stop tonguing it." -Fight Club.

the boy in a skirt, fanfic

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