Previously: An heir poll was had! And more stuff I might summarize later!
It was a very close race, but Cadence beat out Dempster for heir.
Cadence: "Yess, now I can put my evil plan into action. Just you wait, world!"
Upon hearing the news, Fern took the first opportunity she had to move far, far away.
Fern: "Mandrake? It's Fern. Something really bad is about to go down and I know a lot of birthday parties are involved. Can I move into your place?"
Fern was right, because it was time for Eddie's birthday. Illinois was in for a surprise on the computer.
Illinois: "Oh what is this? Wait why are they naked? WHY ARE THEY WOO-HOOING?"
Eddie: (Crap, I forgot to clear the internet history...)
Illinois: "Which family member of mine is responsible for this?! I will not stand for this vile garbage on our family computer!"
Eddie: "I am pretty sure I last saw Dempster on it Granny." *smirk*
Illinois: "I can't believe my innocent little grandson has turned to the dark side."
Winona was running late for the party, but Eddie waited for her outside.
Eddie: "I have the perfect plan to make Clem jealous. You won't believe how perfect this plan is."
Winona: "Oh? Do tell."
Eddie: "Come inside! You just have to see it! Gosh I am so excited."
Winona: "Throwing me a surprise birthday party and setting me on fire was your idea of a perfect plan?"
Winona: "This is definitely not good."
Galahad panicked, Dempster was horrified as Winona was his best friend, and Eddie faced his fears and did his best to correct the situation with the help of Illinois, the kitchen bad ass.
Illinois: "Listen here, we had bigger fires than this back when I was working as a chef. Just keep on spraying."
Eddie: "Oh I've killed her! I've killed my girlfriend. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?"
Winona: "I'm alive? It's finally over? ..........OR AM I STILL ON FIRE?!"
Winona: "No really. I'm on fire. Why did you guys stop with the extinguishing?! RESUME THE EXTINGUISHERS!"
Crisis avoided! And here I thought I managed to almost kill another spouse with a cake fire. Who was the first to rush to the now crispy Winona? Eddie? Nope! Dempster! ...WHAT!
Dempster: "Oh thank goodness you are alright! I was so mortified I couldn't move! I don't know what I would do with myself if you died."
Winona decided to be ballsy and try again.
Galahad: "Fufufufu, My son's girlfriend is having a birthday in her lady-part clothes cause her clothes magically burned away leaving nothing but her lingerie in tact!"
Dempster: "Uh, Dad, could you make this any more awkward?"
Winona: "I don't care. Clem isn't here to see this so it's all good. I'm not afraid to be laughed at by a lonely middle age man who hasn't seen lingerie in years."
In the end, Winona had a successful birthday but by the time it was over it was bed time so she hurried home.
Eddie and Dempster were interrupted in the middle of the night by the first re-appearance of Vesper Parvenu. He sat to quietly read a book but the boys were not having any of that.
Eddie: "Whoa whoa, hold on there a minute. I heard that our Great-Great-Great Grandpa was a man of the athletics, not some intellectual!"
Dempster: "Yeah Gramps, you need to find our treadmill or something. Don't ruin your chances at being a manly-man ghost!"
The boys settled down into their beds for the rest of the night. Eddie had big plans for Winona in the morning.
Eddie: "Good Morning Win .. Uh, did you not shower after last night?"
Winona: "And a good morning to you too! I did not shower. I wanted my dear sweet boyfriend to see what his love did to me and to see if he could love me regardless of my appearance?"
Winona: "What do you think of this body?"
Eddie: "What man could say no to a woman in lingerie?"
Winona: "Well, I would say a homosexual male could say no quite easily I'd imagine."
Eddie: "Do you think I'm gay?"
Winona: "Uh ... maybe more metrosexual?"
Eddie: "... Go shower. You can use mine."
Galhad: "Well hello there Ms. Marx, you sure look better with clothes on."
Winona: *whispers to Eddie* "I'm not sure if that is an insult or a compliment."
Eddie: *whispers to Winona* "Either way I don't think it is good for you, but I like you all ways. Let's get married?"
Winona: "Yes, let's get married."
Eddie: "Great! I was thinking about some dates.. Maybe in a few months?"
Winona: "Now."
Eddie: Now??"
Winona: "Now."
Friends and family were called immediately and asked to be there for a wedding at 7:00 sharp.
Clementine was not happy with these developments.
Clementine: "I can feel her spite radiating in my general direction."
These two were happy regardless of the feelings of the crowd which seemed to be filled with thoughts of food and annoyance.
Clem was still not pleased.
Clementine: "No sir, no way. You can win this time Winona. I wouldn't force myself into marriage just to win, so this is all yours."
Fern is also quite pregnant! I heard through the grapevine that her and Mandrake moved in together and were having problems until Fern became pregnant, now they are seen walking throughout town hand-in-hand.
Two guests were mysteriously not present in the party area, so no one thought they showed up. It wasn't until after things settled down voices were heard coming from the front porch. -- Jack and Shiki!
Jack: "I really want to be a song writer, you know? I just want my music to touch millions. So what do you want to do?"
Shiki: "... Rule the world."
Jack: "Now that is a interesting. If you ever need a theme song, just let me know."
Shiki: "A song hmmm? Kind of like an anthem? An evil anthem? I think I kind of like the thought of that.. I think we can be good friends."
Jack: "Since we are friends let me tell you a secret. I totally have the hots for Cadence. And Brea. And Fern. Parvenu women are just a breed of their own."
Shiki: "Well that is interesting... Cadence is my girlfriend, I guess."
Jack: "Hoho things just got awkward, didn't they!"
Speaking of awkward, Dempster was enjoying a wedding party football game in the dark in his stunning Vesper-Approved suit.
Dempster: "Okay here I go! TAKE THIS!"
Clementine: "I got this, I got this!"
He was playing with the equally awkward Clementine Marx.
What a better way to end the night than a birthday party for both Clem and Dempster.
Clementine is looking spunky as always.
And Dempster thinks late birthday parties keep him from his precious beauty sleep, so off to bed he goes!
The next morning Winona, still in her wedding gown, rings the front doorbell apparently having second thoughts about her marriage.
Winona: (What have I done? Lord help me.)
Dempster: "Winona! What's wrong? Why are you wearing your wedding dress?" (I hope she doesn't notice I smell bad...)
Winona: "I've been having second thoughts about marrying Eddie."
Dempster: "Well I can see why, I wouldn't want to marry Eddie either even if we weren't related, but why?"
Winona: "Because of you!"
Dempster: "Oh this can not end well."
Illinois overheard their conversation from inside the house, or rather, she was listening intently from the door.
Illinois: "I think it would be best if you went on home to your husband MRS. Parvenu."
Winona: "Yes ma'am, you sure are right."
Winona: "NOT!"
Illinois: "Young people disgust me these days."
Eddie took the distraction as a time to freshen up. Winona found him on her on .. in the bathroom!
In retrospect, These two were probably made for each other.
The peace would not last long. Cadence happened to see the situation unfolding as she walked by.
Cadence: "A-HA! CHEATING WITH YOUR BROTHERS WIFE. Sweet, sweet blackmail is all mine!"
Dempster: (The last thing I ever wanted was her to know or think she knows something on me. This is gonna be hell.)
Cadence: "I never much cared for her before, but I think little miss home wrecker and I will get along just fine."
Dempster: (Just smile and nod..)
Cadence: "We've never been formally introduced. I'm Cadence Parvenu. I just wanted to say that I think we can be really great friends~!"
Winona: "Oh, um, hi?"
Dempster: "Listen here Cadence, you may be evil but I will not let you get involved with this situation. Any involvement by you is sure to make things ten times worse."
Cadence: "You can't stop me from making friends! What kind of brother wants his own sister to live life alone! Let's let Winona decide then!"
Dempster and Cadence: "Decide!"
Winona: "Well you guys sure know how to put a girl in a difficult position."
Winona: "There's no harm in being friends with her Dempster. She's just a girl... Understand, please?"
Dempster: "Just a girl? Ha ha, you are making a big mistake but if that is what you want it's okay with me."
Cadence: (Scooooooooooore!)
Cadence leaves, gloating in her victory. As soon as she's out of the picture Dempster, on his own, begins the flirting process.
Dempster: "I would have bought you flowers and expensive jewelry. I always knew I could make you happier, but no, you said we were too good of friends to ruin that and you married my Brother of all people!"
Winona: "I should have married you instead."
Illinois was not happy.
Galahad knew not to mess with his riled up mother, so he waited for his son to lecture him in the best way he knew how.
Galahad: "Son, I've been reflecting on your actions. This is just crazy! Don't do things that a rational person wouldn't. I mean, you aren't the family crazy, your sister is. Leave the wacko to her!"
Brea: (So cold..)
Dempster: "You do realize that the crazy person you are talking about is standing right next to you, right?"
Brea: (Heh.)
Brea: "Why hello there dear Father! Enchanting evening we are having, aren't we?"
Galahad: "..How much did you hear?"
Brea: "Well, I'm pretty sure I was standing here the whole time so.. all of it?"
Brea: "MOM? Dad has some interesting things to say about my mental stability. You won't believe it!"
Galahad: "Bloody hell. Liberty is going to kill me."
Liberty didn't hear her because on the other side of the house a storm was brewing. Cadence found out her mother is ... good.
Cadence: "UH, GOOD? In my family? In my MOTHER? I don't know how I can ever be seen with you ever again."
Liberty: "You have no idea how embarrassed I am of you. I can't believe my own child would turn to a life of evil."
Cadence: "Well, I guess since the embarrassment is equal then we can get along just fine!"
Finally, it is time for our last two teens to become young adults. For whatever reason, Brea is much taller than Cadence. Cadence is also wearing shoes and Brea is bare-footed. I don't have any slider mods.
Cadence grows up looking stunningly evil.
Brea: "I can finally be free! Finally!"
First things first-- job!
Cadence: "Hah, this security is so meager it's disgusting."
Cadence walks right in and comes out with her job. She has to find Shiki and let him know they are one step closer to their goals.
Cadence: "Shiki I have some great news! Hey, are you listening?"
Cadence: "You aren't listening, are you?" *pout*
Cadence: "I hope you choke on that food that is obviously more important to you than I am you sorry excuse for a man!"
Shiki: "Oh, Cadence! I couldn't hear you. You were spitting out nice things and it was uncharacteristic of you."
Cadence: "You think that excuse will make me forgive you?"
Shiki: "..."
Shiki: "Don't be mad at me. You know I was just messing with you. We have evil plans together, right?"
Cadence: "The world is our playground~"
Shiki: "But I gotta go to work. See you later. Bye!"
Cadence: "I don't think I like this treatment."
Cadence was not happy with Shiki.
Cadence: "He could of at least asked what I was excited about. Hmph."
Cadence went in to grab some drinks. She needed a drink after that rejection. She comes out in full formal wear. Jack Cosmo had the same idea.
Cadence: "Men! I hate them all. *hic* Oh hi Jack. Itsbeenalongtime. *hic*"
Jack: "Well well! It has been a long time, indeed. You haven't changed."
Cadence: "You mean I've always been an drunk man-hating bitch? Thanks Jack."
Jack: "No, I mean you've always been a beautiful and charming young woman."
Cadence: "That is just about the nicest thing anyone has said to me in my entire life. Even nicer than 'You're hired, you evil woman you. How did you get past our motion-sensors? You have to have ninja blood in your veins.' "
Jack: "I'm not just trying to flatter you either, I really mean it."
Jack truly could not have picked a worse time to start flirting with Cadence as Dempster was about to eat dinner with Brea.
Dempster: "I can't believe what I am seeing. Brea, don't look at this."
Brea: "Oh I'm going to kill her as soon as you let me by. NOW LET ME BY DEMPSTER."
Dempster: "Jack, Jack. Man, I'd hate to be you right now. I'm going to take this one on home before she murders both my best friend and my sister."
Jack then proceeded to not care at all and go ahead and nail that coffin shut and took Cadence by the hand. Also, I am not sure why, but Clementine appears to be topless there in back.
Dempster: "Come on Brea calm down and let's go."
Brea: "My boyfriend just took Cadence by the hand! In front of me! How can I stay calm?
Jack must have had something happen that got him in the mood for Cadence because he was on a roll and he wouldn't stop. She didn't mind in the slightest.
Cadence goes home to find Shiki waiting for her on the porch.
Shiki: "I've been waiting for you.. I heard about your new job at work today."
Still a bit angry but feeling a bit guilty, Cadence snaps.
Cadence: "It's only a matter of time before I am rolling in money and we move out of this dump of a house."
Shiki: "I'm sorry I ignored you."
Cadence: "You better be. I'm still a woman after all."
They made up by letting their hormones run wild.
Cadence: "You sure about this?"
Shiki: "I'm sure I'm sure."
Shiki: "Okay maybe I wasn't sure. I need to go."
Cadence: (Woo-hoo is fun~ <3)
Shiki made a very quick exit, but Cadence was too excited to care. She had a great job and a great boyfriend. All was well in the world.
But she couldn't sit around forever. Thievery required excellent physical condition, and she needed to get started on that right away!
Cadence: "I didn't know a life of evil was so difficult!"
Her exercise was cut short because her little adventure in bed with Shiki turned into a baby bump, of course.
She had been thinking of the best way to break the news to him, and before she knew it she was quite pregnant.
Cadence: "I'm going to be straight with you. No flowery and emotional scene. I'm pregnant and it's all your fault. Take responsibility, okay?"
Shiki: "What! A baby? Ours? Oh wow!"
Shiki: "It kicked!"
Cadence: "Yeah, the baby is a feisty little one. I have such big hopes for our baby."
Shiki: "This is probably a really bad time to tell you this, but I need to tell you. You aren't going to like it, but... I like ... men, too."
Cadence: "Wha--?"
Shiki: "I really want us to be friends and to raise our baby together."
Cadence: "Oh that would be wonderful! I'm so glad you were honest with me! I knew all along!"
Shiki: "You did??"
Cadence: "Oh please, what kind of moron are you? You think I'm okay with the Father of my baby picking men over me? Come on! I think it would be best if you turned around and went on home because if you don't, and if this belly wasn't in my way, so help me I'd rip your face off."
Shiki: "Oh wow, I didn't expect this. I knew you would be angry but ..."
Cadence: "I am quietly seething with anger. You need to stop talking right now."
Shiki: "Oh what have I done?!"
Cadence: "I can't believe my baby has to live an alternative lifestyle before he or she is even born."
Shiki: "I still want to be there for you and the baby."
Cadence: "Don't touch me right now. I am too mad at you to think straight."
The stress was too much and sent Cadence into an early labor.
Shiki: "What do I do? Okay, keep calm. Okay. I'm calm. I'm calm."
Shiki: "THIS IS NO TIME TO BE CALM. OH LORD WHAT DO WE DO?! I can't touch her or she'll get mad and kill me!"
Cadence: "Just get me to the hospital RIGHT NOW."
Shiki was about at his mental limits for one afternoon.
It was a baby girl-- Aimi. Why the horrified look Cadence?
Aimi is ............ Good
Cadence: "Shiki go home."
Shiki: "That's my baby too you know."
Shiki: "I came out, found out I was gonna have a kid, and had a kid all in the span of 2 hours. The insanity!"
Cadence wasn't going to have any of this good stuff under her roof, so she decorated little Aimi's room with the most love and care.
Cadence: "Yes, it is perfect. I wanted the chainsaw over the bed but I thought it might be a bit dangerous."
Shiki: "Wow, this room is amazing. I'm glad our baby has such quality living arrangements!"
Cadence: "Aren't they just to die for? I'll forgive you, but only for now!"
Back from Japan! Had a great time. Hope you all enjoy the update and haven't forgotten who the Parvenu's were by now! XD
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