Happy Birthday

Mar 16, 2009 23:25

Happy Birthday, Shug.

I had planned on writing you a drabble, alas Erica is being all angsty today.

I hope you have a wonderful family filled day, and that the coming year brings all you could wish for for all those you hold dear.

Love Sav

P.S. Prompt for a drabble or icon and I will tempt Erica to write something other than angst.

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Comments 1

sshg316 March 17 2009, 04:59:25 UTC
*hugs you tight* Thank you so much, Sav!

A prompt. *ponders* (And I'm okay with angst, so long as there's a happy ending. ;) Just so you know. LOL) Um. Hmm. I'm pants at prompts, so I apologize in advance. What about ... Hermione decides to tell Severus how she feels about him ... but she might be too late.

Will that work? (I told you -- I'm dreadful at prompts!)

*hugs you again!*


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