Claiming Post!

Nov 12, 2013 10:39

This is the challenge claiming post! Below you will find all the prompts, organized by pairing. Actually, there may be more than one post with prompts, because we had so many!

Comment to this post with the number of the prompt you want, and I will cross it off the list. First come, first served.

For now, make only one claim. During the second round you may claim as many as you wish, though please keep it realistic! If you know you can write ten stories before the deadline, then by all means do so, but remember to be reasonable and to let other people have a chance at the prompts too. :)

You may post your story as soon as it's done, though we strongly recommend you find a beta reader. Please remember to tag your story so that we can include it in the challenge master post at the end. Remember, no WIPs for the challenge! Completed stories only.

Have fun!


Okay, everyone, from here on out you may claim multiple prompts! Remember, be reasonable. Think of your writing speed, and the amount of time you will have between now and the end of the challenge to actually write. Remember, if you claim a prompt, no one else can claim it, so if you end up defaulting, the poor prompt will end up unfilled, sad and alone and destitute in the vast desert of unfilled prompts... Anyway. Go ahead and frolic amongst the prompts! Spread the word! Leave no prompt unclaimed!


Prompt Master List

1- Season 9 prompt:
Ezekiel can make a Sam whose organs are burned from the inside feel healthy enough to go running. But there's a reason we feel pain. It keeps us from hurting ourselves even further.

Dean realizes this when Sam's hurt on a hunt (broken leg? dislocated shoulder?) and he doesn't even notice until he goes to get up. Claimed by dragonflybeach.

2- Season 9 prompt: Why did Kevin leave the bunker and take the tablets with him? Crowley? Nope. Kevin's no killer. Even when left alone with Crowley, he didn't do anything more than beat on him some.

The bunker's the safest place for both Kevin and the tablets. Dean told him they consider Kevin to be family.

The plan was for Kevin to stay and work on translating the angel tablet. That plan lasted all of nineteen hours. It lasted right up until the moment Dean heard the sound of Sam's flesh impacting with a marble staircase. Turns out that stairs and a fever-induced seizure don't mix well and that resonating-with-the-Word-of-God trumps Angel when it comes to control of Sam's body.

3- Season 2, Gen. What if Jake's attempt to kill Sam at the end of "All Hell Breaks Loose Part 1" didn't kill him? What if Sam managed to get away somehow? Bleeding out, in pain and confused, Sam tries to make his way to Dean's side. Except, that's sort of hard when he's hallucinating that Jessica is with him. Somehow, Sam makes it to Dean, but whether he dies or not is up to you. Please give me a long Dean trying to comfort/help Sam scene though! Claimed by jennytork.

4- Season 8. Gen. After Dean gets a phone call from Garth, who has somehow gotten way in over his head on a hunt, the eldest Winchester decides to go out and lend a hand while Sam stays and ties up loose ends with the hunt they just finished doing. Castiel decides to try and help (as he is still trying to learn how to be a hunter) and the angel and the youngest Winchester somehow end up being kidnapped by the grieving mother of their victim who thinks the boys are somehow responsible for her daughter's death (instead of whatever monster killed her). They manage to get away, but not before Sam gets poisoned. With Dean not picking up his phone and Garth's phone out of commission, it's up to Castiel to save the day and take care of Sam until he can find an antidote. Claimed by m14mouse.

5- Early season 8, post LARP and the Real Girl. Gen. Charlie gets attacked by a mysterious knight while LARP-ing. She's okay (minor bruises, cuts, etc.) but the boys find out through an online source, and they head out there and go undercover as the Queen's personal guard. After some detective work, the boys start to find out that Charlie's Lady-in-waiting is using black magic in an attempt to push Charlie off the throne. When the knight shows up again and heads after Charlie, Sam goes to protect her while Dean starts casting the spell to destroy the knight. Sam heroically holds his own, but eventually gets overpowered and is stabbed by the knight's sword. It's up to Charlie to keep him safe while Dean breaks the spell.

6- After a bad experience at his last school, 16 year old Sam tries an experiment. While in school or with school friends, he behaves like Dean - or how he thinks Dean might behave. Eventually things get out of hand and Sam gets into some stuff Dean never did, peer pressure abounds. Dean discovers Sam's secret and helps his brother become himself again.

7- Set during Playthings. When Sam is "indisposed", neither he nor Dean realize that he broke his cast. Dean doesn't want to talk about the promise he made, so he avoids any discussion about that night. Sam eventually requires surgery - or a hospital stay, your choice. Dean never leaves Sam's side at the hospital, but he is NOT willing to relive that conversation with a medicated brother.

8- AU from Season Eight. The Alpha Vamp wants Dean back. Bad. And what better way to get to Dean than through Sam? Sam is taken from Amelia’s home, and she just thinks he’s gotten skittish and ran. (Not that she blames him; she’s a mess, right?) The vamps have Sam, but no matter what they do to him, he can’t tell them where Dean is. When Dean returns from Purgatory, Sam is nowhere to be found … until Benny gets word through the Vampire Underground that Sam is, indeed, somewhere. And not a happy place, either. Claimed by center_galaxy.

9- S8. The trials have a bigger effect on Sam than he's letting on. Due to coughing up so much blood and stomach acid with it. It has inflamed his stomach lining. Sam begins to feel dizzy and sick but shakes it off. However, it's Castiel that finally figures out something is terribly wrong and with Dean out researching a hunt, he has to do something. Claimed by center_galaxy.

10- Any Season Past 2. Hunters capture Sam and Dean and decide to have an 'interrogation' of sorts. When Dean doesn't speak up or agree that Sam is truly evil then they turn their attentions to Sam to try and get him to 'use' his powers. These attentions include horrible torture that Dean has to watch. Claimed by my_specialhell.

11- S1. Sam suffered smoke inhalation damage as a baby during the fire and as a result he developed asthma and has to use a nebulizer every night before he goes to bed. When Jess died Sam inhales a lot of smoke and his inhaler burned up with his apartment cue Dean having one always on hand and trying to calm Sam down and get him to breathe. Claimed by sweetspicyhot.

12- S5-9 (whichever) Sam throws out his back on a hunt and can't move without falling over or being in pain. Dean has to be real easy with him because he fears if Sam injures it to be much he could damage his muscles. Castiel of course pops in every now and again and can't understand that a human can throw their back out, in fact he doesn't even know what that saying means. However, he watches Dean interact with Sam and give him massages and figures if Sam is in pain then giving Sam a massage while Dean is out couldn't be that hard, right?

13- Late season eight. Sam tells Dean that he thinks the trials are purifying him. He's not entirely wrong, but the fires of purification burn in God's little crucible. What comes out on the other side is surely strong enough, burns hot enough, to shut the doors of hell. But being a literal human fireball is just as excruciating, terrifying, and horrifying/horrifyingly seductive as it sounds.

14- Season 9. The thing about Sam is, when his brother's hurt, Sam can be intense. Single-minded. Laser-focused. No chit-chat, no social graces, no passwords or secret knocks or other unnecessary crap. When Dean's bleeding and the medical kit's inside, Sam is taking a straight line from Dean to first aid supplies and back.

Unfortunately, Kevin's been awake for days, under siege from the outside by angels and trying to rush the translation of the angel tablet to find something that'll save him. He hadn't been able to get a distress call out, and Sam and Dean were supposed to be states away. Besides, Sam knew, he friggin' knew, that Kevin's been doing target practice! Claimed by amber1960.

15- Okay what I need in my life right now is Sam in a lot of pain but not a lot of danger. Say he's injured on a hunt, scratched or bitten by something supernatural/even unsupernatural, venomous, extremely painful. Maybe they go to the hospital initially, or maybe they already know that this isn't anything that would respond to or even warrants treatment so they never do. Basically I just want Sam convalescing and trying to deal with this incredibly painful injury where the problem isn't that he might die or anything like that. There's no panic, there's no being-in-denial-about-needing-help, not this time. Sam's not going to die. He's just in a lot, a lot of pain, and all they can do is wait and try to manage it. Gen please, set whenever you want but preferably pre-season/during the earlier seasons before shit gets too heavy.

16- Sam, broken leg (knee injury...really any leg injury will do), preseries, crutches, worried Dean and John. Pointless fluff and pain. Claimed by nblaque_impala.

17- Curtain fic/Future fic. The boys have purchased a run-down house and all their free time is spent working through the list of repairs that need doing to make it liveable and somewhere they can call home. But then Sam has an accident at the house (maybe he's re-wiring and he gets electrocuted, or he has a nasty fall or something involving a bad ass power tool etc) and he suffers a serious injury* that will forever change both their lives. (* I'd like some sort of physical injury, not a mental disability)

18- Bobby is still wary of Sam after his soulless self tried to kill him. Sam is devastated that his surrogate father seems to not want him around. Sam tries everything he can to get Bobby to forgive him including insisting on helping Bobby with some construction work.

While they are working somehow by accident Bobby slips while firing a nail gun and sends a nail straight through Sam's chest into his heart. Sam almost dies and is left with permanent but manageable heart damage.

Bobby is absolutely ridden with guilt and Dean is in mega mother hen worry mode. Of course Sam being Sam totally forgives Bobby and thinks he deserves what happened.

19- Pre-series, Teen Sam. John realizes a hunt he thought he'd completed four years ago was actually unfinished and takes them back to that town. Problem is, Dean was not a popular student among the teachers of the local high school, who now assume Sam is the same and tacitly encourage his bullying (or just look the other way.) With Dean and his dad fully engaged on finishing the hunt, Sam tries to handle it on his own but with no one in his corner and so many enemies it's only a matter of time until Sam gets hurt in a way that gets everyone's attention.

This can be as dark as you wish but no major character death please! Also, I prefer when John clearly loves his sons, it's okay if he's focused on hunting to the point of neglect in his parenting (because sorry, that's John) but not actively mean or hateful. I'd love some of the comfort part of the H/C to come from him. :)

20- S7/S8. Jody Mills has developed a routine of driving to the cabin after Bobby's death to check on the boys, most of the time they aren't there. The one time she does find them at the cabin she finds an injured Dean trying to care for Sam, who by all rights should be in the hospital, sending Jody instantly into protective mother mode. Claimed by dragonflybeach.

21- Anywhere between Stanford era to the first chapters of season 8.After his return from the cage (or some other trauma of your choice) Sam suffers from depersonalization. Which basically means a person feels disconnected from their body, or parts of it, especially when stressed -- they can look at themselves in the mirror and feel like a stranger is staring back, or get the overwhelming feeling that, say, those are someones else's legs they're walking on, or that one/both their hands are not their own, and so on.

There is no hallucination or psychosis involved, it's basically a feeling (in the same way, for example, your brain insists that the room in spinning after you move in circles) and Sam KNOWS it's just a feeling, damn it, but it is so real he just can't stand it. And it happens to him unexpectedly, too, which makes it hard to focus and potentially dangerous for a hunter.

Maybe Dean knows, maybe he doesn't, maybe he finds out and tries to comfort/ground Sam during these episodes.

22- Sam is doing his best to make a life for himself in Stanford, but almost two decades of the Winchester lifestyle have taken their toll. Once he's away from hunting and those constant, life-threatening situations that kept everything else under the rug, his longtime dormant (or always-there-but-unrecognized/overlooked) PTSD flares up.

You can take it anywhere really, but if Sam is admitted to some kind of (on-campus?) inpatient facility, I would love to see what happens there. But that's just a suggestion, do with it what you will. Claimed by unzum

23- Season 5. AU of the "Song Remains the Same"--Anna, instead of going back to the 70's to kill Mary and John, travels back in time to when Sam ran away to Flagstaff. Dean and Castiel go back in time to protect the younger version of Sam while present day Sam stays with Bobby (he can't go back and meet his past self because the fabric of time would come undone, etc.). Of course, younger Sam, being as smart as present day Sam, figures out why Dean and Castiel are there and he thinks that maybe it is best if Anna did kill him. After all, he reasons, without him there is no apocalypse. Cue lots of big!brother Dean and caring!Castiel assuring him that they will find out a solution that will save the world without killing him. Bonus points if you could throw in a scene in the present where, after younger Sam receives an injury from Anna, it shows up suddenly on present day Sam and Bobby freaks out.

24- Young! or teen!Sam + possession. Because there's no way it didn't happen till BUABS. Claimed by dragonflybeach.

25-Sam gets de-aged by a spell. And even though he tries to hide it, it's obvious that he's terrified of Dean. Because, grown up, Dean looks an awful lot like his dad. I'd like Bobby to be included as well, but it's not required. Feel free to set it during any timeframe of the show. Claimed by d0llface_h00ker.

26- S9. Season 9. Sam's throat was sliced open. He could feel the wounds, feel the blood. Then, a second later, the bleeding stopped and his skin was whole.

Chef What's-his-face looked at him in awe and asked,"What are you?" Sam was hit by deja vu. He'd been asked that before, more than once, and the answer had never been "human."

'Dean? What did you do?' Sam couldn't believe he hasn't asked before. Now that he knows to ask, though, that doesn't mean Dean'll answer. He'd probably get more info by asking the King of Hell . Claimed by mimblexwimble.

27- Set late in season 8. A fevered Sam is wandering around the men of letters cave and stumbles upon a hidden, air tight room, full of ancient transcripts and rare books. But then his fever spikes and he loses time, waking up on the floor of the locked air tight room.

I'd love to see an unwell Sam fight through his fever to save himself, only to come face to face with a pissed off and freaked-out Dean. Claimed by center_galaxy.

28- Sam's had hundreds of hallucinations over the years, whether it's demon blood detoxing, Hallucifer, or something else. But it's something else entirely when he's not the only one who can see them - Dean, Bobby, whoever you like. Whether or not they can be physically affected by the hallucinations is your choice.

29- Something/someone has been killing a lot of people in *insert name of place, USA*. There are mysterious deaths and when the brothers go to investigate, the thing is after Sam's life next. And well, Sam gets attacked a few times too. Dean must save and protect his brother, and find out who/what this thing is. Can be human or monster. Or human monsters like the Benders. Whether Sam is attacked life-threateningly is up to you. A nice, plotty whodunit mystery would be awesome. Claimed by soserendipity.

30- Pre-series.Teen-chester Sammy is home alone and abducted by Vampires who break in to the Winchesters current home while John and Dean are on a hunt. The Vampires have been instructed by a Yellow Eyed Man to deliver Sam ,unbitten, to him for a price. Eventually while captured a Vamp eventually bites Sam, or Sam offers his blood to a Vampire as a bribe to escape and said Vampire becomes super strong/powerful because of Sam's blood. Eventually the Y.E.D shows up and reveals this was all a test and kills said Vampire and reveals all to Sam, prior to wiping Sam's memory of the revelation and John and Dean eventually finding a disorientated Sam wandering along a road. Claimed by nblaque_impala.

31- Sam acquires his own sound-track. The Greatest Hits of the Seventies, Eighties, Nineties, and Today follow him around from the Impala, storefront sound systems, and witnesses' ring tones, pointing out his failures and mocking his pain. Claimed by sylvia_locust.

32- Sam's all feverish and having nightmares/hallucinations/panic attacks again after having to go back into Hell for the second trial. Dean comforts him and gets him to sleep. Claimed by ladybastet92

33- Anything that touches upon Sam realizing Dean is Bobby's favorite, no matter how hard he tries to be better or make him proud. Self-deprecating!Sam is love.

34- Set any time (but not season 9). The world is ending, and this time it has nothing to do with the Winchesters, nor is there anything they can do to stop it.

Dean is determined that they're both going down together; him and Sam with a beer on the hood of the Impala. So no, Sam's not going to bleed out on the side of a road all by himself. That's not happening.

Cue a frantic race against time for Dean to get to Sam before its too late, maybe they're talking on the phone or maybe Dean keeps getting phone messages because Sam's having phone issues. I'd love it if this could have an upbeat or bittersweet ending. Claimed by center_galaxy.

35- Gen. Any season, but preferably not pre-series. Sam and Dean. Bobby and Cas if you'd like to include them. Sam with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The cancer is quite curable, but character death is up to you.

(By which I mean the prompter either didn’t specify if they wanted gen, slash or het, or said they were okay with more than one interpretation.)

36-I will leave it up to you how Sam gets hurt or is sick. What I would like to see is sometime when Dean is not being a good brother (not horrible but not great).And maybe Sam is feeling like he is all alone without any help at all, that Michael is the one person or being that comes to Sam and helps him heal. Cue A/U where Micheal ends up getting out of the cage somehow and is broken up over how he treated Sam, and has realized, what a beautiful soul Sam has, even though it is damage by what was done to him. I don't care if there is slash as long as there is lots of hurt, lots of comfort and maybe even some brotherly love after Dean shows up and tries to protect Sam from Michael. Because he thinks Michael is there to harm Sam or send him back to the cage. And Dean gets his attitude towards Sam adjusted by Michael. You can include Castiel, Bobby, whoever, you want.

37- This would probably be A/U. Sam, gets hurt in a life changing way or is diagnosed with an illness that is curable but is still very hard to get through. He (up to author if John is dead or just totally sticking with Sam no longer exists in his mind) for some reason does not think Dean will help him or stick by him so he does not tell Dean. He goes to Bobby. I want to see Sam and Bobby truly being like Father and son together. But eventually Dean finds out and does come and be loving and brotherly. I just really want to see the Sam and Bobby (yes,Bobby still loves Dean like he always has), he just also loves Sam the same way, we don't get to see this very much.

38- A hunt gone wrong leaves the boys stranded deep in the woods. Both got hurt and Dean's grasp on consciousness is slipping. But that's ok, Sam just has to keep them safe until Bobby finds them. Which shouldn't take longer than three or four days, tops. Or so Sam hopes. Turns out that procuring shelter, warmth, and water is surprisingly difficult when you're bleeding all over the place, though. (Or feel free to bang him up to your own preferences.) I'd love to see Dean surfacing from time to time, trying to take care of Sammy. Claimed by quickreaver.

39- "Are you prepared to deal with this level of disability?" - It could be a doctor asking Dean this after a hunt goes wrong or John after Dean refuses to leave Sam behind. I don't mind the pairing, it can be gen or slash. Claimed by indiachick.

40- When Dean comes back from Purgatory, the Sam he ambushes in the cabin isn't Sam at all. It's a rogue levi that Sam fought after the lab explosion, who took on Sam's form for his knowledge of evading demons and safe hiding places. The real Sam hasn't been seen in a year and the last person to see him besides several angry levi was Crowley. I don't mind the pairing. Claimed by of_nightingales.

41- Sam is kidnapped and kept in sensory deprivation. It takes Dean a while to find him, and when he does, Sam can't stand to open his eyes, even the smallest sounds hurt to hear, and he won't let anyone touch him. Cue Dean researching all he can on the subject and slowly helping Sam to recover from the damage done to him while he was held captive. Prefer Wincest but gen is ok too. Claimed by nblaque_impala.

42- After the brothers are back together in 'The End' Sam's feeling guilty and fails to tell Dean about his time with the hunters and he hides his injuries from Dean. Sam nurses his own injuries in private.

Dean finds out about the hunter's visit to Sam from Bobby or from the 'hunter grapevine' or even from Castiel but not from Sam. Dean's pissed at Sam for keeping secrets from him again and gets angry, he pushes Sam and Sam's reaction is OTT. Lots of angst and brotherly moments result . Sam/Dean or Gen

43- Sam/Dean or gen. Sam gets hurts and Ezekiel brings up the amulet and voicemail since he was thinking about it just before the injury. Dean fixes it once Sam wakes up. Claimed by my_specialhell.

44- After Dean's confession at the end of 'Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things' he has completely forgotten that Sam injured his hand/arm during the fight with the Zombie in the graveyard. Sam thinks that Dean has enough on his plate so looks after it himself. It does not go well. Lots of guilty Dean and forgiving Sammy. Gen or Sam/Dean

45- Gen, slash, het, doesn't matter to me! Sam develops adult-onset Celiac disease.

46- Gen, probably, but not necessarily. Up to author. Any season. The boys take an amicable little break; Dean heads to Vegas for a week, Sam goes camping. Dean actually has a great time. He hits small jackpots on a few slots, kicks ass at blackjack, maybe has a highly enjoyable string-free hook-up, whatever author decides. Sam is out of cell-phone range, in a bare-bones cabin in the deep woods of northern Cali or wherever. They arrange to meet up at a pre-determined spot midway between the two locations. When Sam doesn’t show, Dean has to track him down. He knows where Sam was staying, and Sam’s stuff is there but it’s still packed, like he unloaded and then … vanished.

Now, GO! (All I ask is that Becky isn’t involved, pleeeease and thank you! Could be a fall, broken bone, animal attack, human animal attack, and so on and so on. Sam, cut off and injured and struggling for a week, alone, would be awesome here, but if you think of something juicier, go for it! :D) Claimed by leah_elisabeth.

47- Pre-pilot AU. Somehow, Sam turns up pregnant at Stanford (via magic? a curse?) and freaks out. Maybe Jess figures out what's going on and helps him deal, or maybe he breaks the phone silence to call Dean in and help him out. How it ends is up to you. Gen or Sam/Jess.

48- This goes waaay back in the day to where Sam first started having visions. In the beginning he passed them off as just nightmares but the pain that accompanied them became more and more intense. What do normal people, living normal lives, do when they have bouts of incapacitating pain? They go to a doctor. Cue Sam all nervous and angsting over getting himself checked out, afraid both that there's nothing physically wrong and it's all in his head or that there IS something wrong and he's got a brain tumor or something. Last, but not least, he's afraid that there could be something supernatural involved.

Jess, who only knows that he's having blinding migraines, is with him every step of the way.

49- Season 9: When Sam discovers about Zeke (how it's up to the author) it's the straw that broke the camel's back for this self-steem. So instead of getting angry or getting rid of Ezekiel, he just retreats into his own mind thinking that Dean finally has the brother he deserves and always wanted, an angel instead of a monster, more useful and that will never let Dean down. So now it's Zeke in the driver's seat all the time and Sam won't/can't come up to the surface.

It would be awesome if somehow (aided by Zeke or dream-root or whatever) as last resort Dean enters Sam's mind and has to look for him and in the way finds different Sams, like the hell!Sam or souless!Sam or even the Young!Sam that blames Sam for everything until he finally finds his Sammy hidden away and has to convince him how much he's truly loved and needed.

It can be Gen or wincest or whatever. I just want lost of h/c and angst porn! Claimed by cordelia_gray.

50- It's closing in on the time of year for...HYPOTHERMIA! Yay! Er, I, well, yes. Awful and all, really. So, how about some Sam and Cas or Sam/Cas? How, why, all you. All I ask is no woobification, pls. Claimed by ratherastory.

51- Pre-series, winter night, road trip to the next hunt.

With the Impala's taillights right in front of him, all John can do is stare and shout a useless warning. Dean never even sees it coming. Sam does, right before the truck plows into the passenger side. He's just grateful that there's enough time to fling himself all over Dean, natural instinct taking over. Because it goes both ways, always has, even if Dean doesn't like it: protect your brother at all costs.

Make it as bloody, h/c-y or angsty (or whichever direction you'd like to take it) as you want, but it would be great if the boys could both survive. EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to specify. I picture this as gen, but if your mind takes you elsewhere, just roll with it. Claimed by medusafox.

52- Dean thought that the possessed Christmas tree lights were cute. Especially when he walked into the attic and found Sam all trussed up and glowing like a Christmas tree, complete with a star on top. Sam's lack of amusement with the situation made it all the funnier. Definitely camera phone moment... right up to the part when the lights start to choke the life out of Sam. Things just were not so funny anymore. This can be set in any season. Claimed by disasterifickaz.

53- Sam's new girlfriend Jess is so awesome. Too bad she has a puppy. And Sam never had any idea how allergic he was to dogs. (It's very.)

54- Reverse psychic amnesia: as in, you remember who you are, who your brother is-- but you've forgotten everything else about the world. Claimed by ephemeralk.

55- Season 9: In 9.04, Sam is mind-controlled by the Oz witch. This clashes with Ezekiel and has lasting effects.

56- Ill-from-the-Trials Sam finds bones in a room in the bunker while doing inventory. Not thinking much of it, he burns them. Naturally, if they were for burning, they would've been burned long back and not wrapped in a bundle and put in a box with a big scary seal on it. Gen, slash- no problem. Claimed by winchesterpooja.

57- Season 9: As cracks begin to show in the thin veil between Sam and Zeke, Sam starts realizing that he is killing demons with a thought, psychically moving objects, healing- etc. Add to that the quick healing of his body and the strength he feels, and he naturally starts believing someone--maybe Dean--is feeding him demon blood. There are, of course, ways to find out if that's true, and ways to find out how much of it is in him. They aren't pretty ways. Claimed by dragonflybeach.

58- I've had a hankering to read teenage Sam with his foot caught in a bear trap. Dean's there of course, freaking out but trying to help free Sam and offering as much comfort as he can. Maybe Dean can't get him free so he has to get John to help. Claimed by harrigan.

59- Sam's life is hanging by a thread, he just has to hold on for Dean and help to arrive. He's ready to give up but… Spoilers for S9 Zeke's talking to him, telling him to hold on, convincing him it's worth hanging in there. Whether Zeke is doing this to be self serving, genuinely cares for Sam or is doing it just to keep Dean on side is up to the author. It's also up to the author if Death makes a return visit and whether this is how Sam finds out about Zeke. I don't mind how the author interprets this, I'm just curious to see Zeke coming out to keep Sam alive.

60- I'd adore it if Sam had to have surgery for some reason (injury, appendicitis, whatever, author's choice), and after he's able to go home, he's basically bedridden for a time and has to be fussed over and taken care of by Dean and whoever else is 'family' during the time period of the author's choosing. I'm a sucker for the recovery period, and that's the part that I would love to see focused on. And if Sam is really weak and kind of out of it from the pain meds too, and maybe briefly runs a post-op fever, I'd love you forever.

61- Post-series: It's a few years down the line and things have calmed down. Most of their hunts these days are way less end-of-the-world dire and more fourteen-year-old-sells-soul-for-One-Direction-tickets. Even Kevin's made peace with his lot and claimed the bunker as home, formally apprenticing himself to Sam while they unlock the Men of Letters' vast history and resources. Dean has Garth and Charlie and Cas and Krissy and while he still hits the road more often than not, he doesn't go far and he doesn't go alone and he doesn't feel like he HAS to go out or anything, it's just that, well, he's barely forty and he's just not ready to retire and be a glorified librarian yet. He just torched a set of bones-- nothing crazy, nothing hard-- when his phone rings. It's Kevin. Sam's in the hospital with an embolism/stroke/aneurysm and Kevin doesn't know what to do and Dean needs to come back NOW.

62- Kevin realizes that the Winchesters aren't all hardass and no heart when he watches/helps a surprisingly patient and gentle Dean take care of a sick-from-the-trials Sam whose fever spiked, who keeps choking on his own blood, and who keeps forgetting where and when he is. Kevin didn't think Dean had that kind of tenderness in him. He also didn't realize just how much Sam's lost over the years. It's like he's met two completely new people...and he actually kind of likes them....which sucks, because anyone with half a sliver of common sense can take a look at Sam and realize he's probably going to die from those trials.

63- Sam's time traveling children (or just one kid; I'm not picky) come from the future to present times, weirding everyone out because no one ever figured the Winchesters would live long enough to go domestic and have kids. Neither Winchester is entirely sure why the kids are here here. They're is being cagey about it. He/she is a bit too enthusiastic about hanging out with their dad and "Uncles" (Dean, Cas, Kevin; whoever you feel like throwing in). It takes a few days, but Dean figures out something's up. Despite the kids' vast knowledge of the supernatural realm, the MoL bunker, and generally everything ever, it becomes pretty obvious to Dean they never actually got to know Sam. Angsty "something bad is going to happen to Sam in the future and he's never going to know his kid" feels ensue. Claimed by crimosonepitaph.

64- The demon never came for Jess and Dean never came for Sam. Now Sam's graduated and is living an apple pie life except that he's barely holding it together and he keeps gets these painful visions. All pairings welcome. Claimed by sharktheory.

65- Outsider POV. Anytime during the series except season 8/9. No wincest please, anything else is fine. He has no idea who this guy is or how he got this way. All he knows is it's freezing outside, the man is already on the verge of hypothermia, and he is clearly not in touch with reality. He also has no idea who this "Dean" is he keeps mistaking him for, but if it'll help get him off the bridge/street, he will play along. ETA: He can also be she, whatever works.

66- Teen Sam cancer fic? I feel like there are barely any good ones out there! Maybe include Sam worrying about how the treatment will affect his "normal life"/college plans. Lots of gory medical details please ;D

67- (Spoilers just for the end of season 8) Here's the thing about purifying yourself: you have you let your old self die first. Sam's body starts shutting down after completing the trials - he develops heart failure, he loses his ability to use his muscles, even his eyesight and hearing go away. Dean and Cas take care of him as best they can, while looking for a way to save him. No character death, please, but be as mean to the boy as you would like! I'd prefer gen, but Sam/Cas is okay too.

68- John and Dean (18-20) have settled down in a trailer park for a couple of months for a long term hunt. They have been there for a couple of months so far, and along the way, Dean has befriended Sam (15-17) who lives next door/in a nearby trailer. Sam lives with his dad/stepdad who abuses him. Dean knows about the abuse and helps him out as much as he can: lets him sleep over when things get bad, patches him up, comforts him. What Dean doesn't know is that the reason Sams dad abuses him is because he is a shifter/werewolf (like his mom who has passed away) and his dad thinks he is less than human, a filthy mutt so he doesn't treat him very well and HATES when Sam shifts. Sam can shift whenever he wants but always does on the full moon, during which time his dad chains him up in the backyard (maybe with a silver collar and/or ties him to a stake in the middle of the yard.) Dean has noticed (but brushed off) that sometimes there is a "dog" outback of Sam's house. Maybe he brings it up once and Sam just says it's their pet. Something happens one night, Dean hears yelling coming from Sams house and goes over to try to help and while he is there he sees/overhears Sam secret. I picture Sam's father making him shift and tying him up in the backyard. Dean to rescue. I always wanted to write this myself and had a scene pictured where Sam discovers Dean is a hunter, freaks out and gets mad Dean never told him, they get into a fight about it, Sam leaves but shows up at Deans house that night beat to hell and says "I'm sorry I got mad, can I stay here tonight?" Everything is really up to author with details and such, these are just ideas bouncing around in my head. Claimed by sagetan

69- Sam is taken by a Demons & Angels-esque serial killer (human or not) who tortures his/her victims by (very violently and possibly permanently) taking away their senses. Sam is captured, and loses a sense for every day Dean (and Cas and ect) doesn't find him. And not through basic supernatural ways: I mean losing his ability to see because a hot poker was put to his eyes. And losing his ability to speak because his tongue was cut out and mouth sewn shut.

Feel free to deal with the aftereffects any way you'd like, just no character death please. Gen or Sam/Cas, please! Claimed by stripeypirate.

70- I want some cute warm fuzzies- Spoiler for 9.05. During Dean's Dog Whisperer phase, Sam takes full advantage. Taking him to a dog park, playing fetch, belly rubs, throwing chunks of a hamburger for Dean to catch, etc. - go crazy. Just Sam playing with his 'human dog' for a while. (gen on this part, just Sam having fun at his brother's expense as I suspect Dean might do to him) Maybe some blackmail photos on his phone. Dean can't help himself, so he's a mixture of pissed and absolutely loving how happy he's making Sam at the moment.

After feel free to write Dean's reaction- kicking his brother's ass, some horrible prank, just have fun. (wincest is fine for that part if that's where the muse goes)

71- Sam feels like his skin is crawling with creatures (either on/or just under the skin). Medical term for this is formication. Any or no pairing. Stanford era or later please.

72- Suppose that "lips sewn shut" is a Norse euphemism for a powerful curse. Norse. Euphemism. And that happens to Sam.

73- I haven't read any Stanford-era fics lately! How about one that chronicles how difficult it was for Sam to make ends meet/afford housing/work full-time and go to school full-time, but he's bound and determined to make it happen without grifting or credit-card fraud. The honest way. He is pre-law, after all.

This is, perhaps, when Jess finds him: burning the candle at both ends, in threadbare clothes, two apples and a Gatorade in his 'fridge and twenty bucks to his name. His 'full ride' didn't include room and board. Or something like that. Throw in whatever h/c tickles your fancy!

74- Sam/Jess or Gen or whatever. Pilot AU. Sam gets back early from the hunt, in time to save Jess, but there's still a demon to deal with and there's still a fire. Big Brother Dean comes to the rescue, but not before Sam's pretty beat up and has some serious burns (possibly even permanent damage). Oh and now Sam has to explain everything to a very freaked out Jess.

75- S5. Gen or Wincest - Zachariah can't convince Dean to say yes to Michael and his patience is wearing thin. After one more failed plan he decides to take out his frustrations on the youngest Winchester. Revisiting a classic Zach catches Sam when he's making a food run and snaps the bones in Sam's legs while he's driving the Impala, taking out both Dean's brother and his car.

76- Season 9. Ezekiel stretched the truth a little bit when he promised Dean that he'd fix Sam. See, he needed a stronger vessel in order to repair himself, and Sam was exactly that. As long as he was in Sam, he could keep things going, keep his vessel in pretty decent repair. The problem is, Sam can't really be fixed (not even Cas could repair the damage from the Trials, he said so himself). So when Ezekiel finally wears out his welcome, he leaves his vessel behind, and Sam is still dying…

77- Season 7-8. So S7 left off with Sam stranded, alone and panicking, and then we fast-forwarded to everything being fine in S8. I'd like the story of what happened starting from that moment. How did Sam come to hit that dog? Did he have a dissociative fugue? Did something else happen? Sam wouldn't decide not to search for Dean unless he had a damned good reason (even if it's a complex psychological problem that only makes sense to him), and I want to know what it is.

78- Jess was actually Ruby all along. Sam finds out. Claimed by annie46.

79- Sam is cursed by a witch or a whole coven... whatever you'd like. The curse makes him terribly ill, or injured, or just simply puts him in a lot of pain and Dean, of course, goes to find and gank the witch when he can't find a hex bag. The downside? The closer Dean gets to the witch, the worse is Sam's affliction. Basically, as Dean gets closer to the solution, Sam just gets worse (and if he's just hanging in there between life and death for a while, awesome!)

Dean must find a way to pull his brother out of the spell without harming the witch. Castiel can be involved, if the author would like to involve him. If you want to kill anyone, do eet. Major character death isn't a problem.

This can be set in any season, and gen is preferred though if your mind does lure you to Wincest, please keep it um... less smutty? Also, yes, if you decide to involve Cas and put some side Destiel angst, I'll love you.

80- Sam somehow develops a combination of anterograde and retrograde amnesia similar to Clive Wearing. He remembers his childhood and has retained basic hunting skills like the ability to load and fire weapons, etc. And he is surprised and delighted every time he sees Dean--about every 30 seconds.

81- "Blackbirds frying on a wire
Same birds that followed me to school When I was young
Were they trying to tell me something
Were they telling me to run"
- Neko Case, "Things That Scare Me" Claimed by stripeypirate.

82- Sam gets better after the Trials, but they leave some damage - his immune system's all a mess, his heart's weak, and he'll never be all the way well again. So he and Dean learn to adapt as much as they can, and then the winter comes and Sam catches a cold the way he always does this time of year. It can be gen or Sam/Dean, Sam can get really or mildly sick, it can fit in with Season 9 or not, whatever makes you happy!

83- I don't care about the specific situation. I just want Sam hurting/bleeding/dying in front of Dean, who's bound and helpless to do anything but watch. Claimed by zubeneschamali.

84 - Sam managed to make some useful contacts while he was soulless--nasty, evil contacts, like drug runners or IRS agents or something, people he'd have to think hard about saving from a wendigo or a poltergeist if he'd been in his right mind.

Now he has his soul and memories back, and he needs to work with them again. But to secure their cooperation, Sam has to prove to them that he's still amoral enough not to turn on them ("If you're so evil, why don't you eat this puppy?!")

Bonus if he passes the puppy-eating test and they turn on him later.

85- Season 9. So when the Chef cut Sam's neck... What if Ezekiel was too worn out to heal him? So basically Sam, bleeding profusely from the neck, and you can tweak it whatever way you want so that Dean comes to the rescue. I don't care of it's GEN or Slash, but Dean's going to have to take him to the hospital before his brother bleeds out…

86- Set in later seasons (anytime from S4 on). Sam gets clobbered by the Nasty-of-the-Week, which gets in a really good blow with its very nasty claws. Still, they've seen worse, the baddie is dead, and a little peroxide and some bandages take care of the problem, right? But no, after a while, Sam is still in pain, and the lacerations are kind of at an awkward angle for him to get at, but he doesn't want to bug Dean about it, either. Not that he's hiding the injury, you understand. That would be stupid. No, no, it's just... Dean's got so much on his plate lately that it feels unfair to dump this on him too. So he tries to take care of it on his own at first, but eventually he realises the wound is likely badly infected were he can't reach, and it's starting to be a real problem. So he swallows his pride and goes to get outside help. Up to you if it's Cas or Bobby or a hospital (outside POV, ftw!). Or maybe Ruby, if S4 speaks to you, or Kevin or Charlie in later seasons. Does Dean find out? Up to you!

87- Dean was obviously hurt by Sam's clumsy explanation about why he doesn't consider the bunker home. What Sam failed to convey and what Dean doesn't know or understand is that Sam can see how much this place means to Dean, and he doesn't want to ruin it for him. Sam is convinced (and who can blame him?) that he's cursed. The minute he starts thinking of a place as "home," it burns down or everybody he loves dies, or whatever other horrible thing you want to name. The only thing Sam really and truly wants these days is for Dean to be happy and for everyone else to be safe. So if that means pretending the bunker is nothing but an office? So be it. Eventually, the truth comes out, and maybe Dean gets it, and maybe he just thinks Sam is being ridiculous. I am a big fan of semi-delirious confessions, but I figure you can run with this prompt any way you see fit. The possibilities are endless! Claimed by mamapranayama.

88- Spoilers for 9.05. Obviously, Sam has acquired a mutant or demonic regeneration factor after enduring the trials. He can't seem to figure out what triggers it, since some injuries he gets from hunts stick around and the more lethal ones mysteriously vanish, and Dean appears to be in denial about the whole thing. Claimed by soserendipity.

This requires testing--privately.

89- A demon meat-suits the leader of a snake-handling cult in a dark, reclusive Appalachian valley. Said demon stumbles onto Sam Winchester, sans Dean. Demon decides to have a little fun. Author decides who saves Sam; can be anyone! If he's even 'saved' at all…

90- Sam gets sick, and maybe it's something sudden and scary, or maybe it's after the Trials when things with him and Dean are good again and he doesn't feel like he's letting Dean down if he admits he's struggling, and so he can just be honest about how he feels for once and let Dean take care of him. Gen, Sam/Dean, I don't mind!

91- RoboSam is seriously injured. It's up to Dean to help him keep it together. This goes well for no one. Claimed by ephemeralk.

92- Season 9. Sooo...what do you think would happen if a certain unknowingly possessed-by-an-angel hunter found himself force-fed demon blood? Claimed by monicawoe.

93- Season 9. Abby makes good on her threat and manages to possess Dean, making him watch all the terror she rains down while in his body. She hurts Sam wearing Dean's meat and boy, does she have a lot to work with in Dean's brain...including knowledge of the angelic Energizer battery currently keeping Sam alive.

94- The brother of a friend of mine last year had something called a spontaneous pneumothorax, meaning, his lung just decided to collapse. Her brother was okay after surgery, thank goodness, and decided to stop smoking to decrease the chance of it happening again. Once it occurs, there is a 50% chance it could happen again. Risk factors her brother and Sam have in common are being of a certain height (like over 6' 3") and thin. A blow to the chest can also increase the chance of this occurring, but even though two weeks before her brother fell off some scaffolding, the doctors had told him that the fall had nothing to do with it. The main factors were his height and thinness (and the smoking). So, with this in mind, I thought a good h/c story would be Sam having this happen at Stanford, without Dean being any the wiser, and then in any season afterwards, it occurring again.

95- Season 9. Gen or pretty much any Sam ship, though I'm not keen on Sam/Gabriel. After having his consent tricked out of him by Deanzekiel, maybe Sam becomes a little . . . cautious. Especially given his history of trusted faces not being what they seem.

Only Dean, real Dean, urgently needs Sam's consent/compliance for something. Maybe Sam is poisoned and delirious/trapped by magic bonds/whatever and Dean needs him to swallow the antidote/say the necessary spell. But "Yes" is a dangerous word to Sam these days, and he's not taking anything in or reciting any formula just because something that looks like Dean is asking him to. Especially not because something that looks like Dean is asking him to. Not when he can't trust Dean, if it is Dean, to be straight with him about what he's agreeing to. Claimed by zubeneschamali.

96- Season 9. The Ezekiel possession is one violation too many for Sam. Having his autonomy over mind, body, consent, decisions, and memory taken from him by the person he most trusted, on top of all the other impingements on his selfhood over the years, leaves him with some real severe boundary issues. Anything from multiple locks on his door to eating disorders (controlling what things he allows into and out of his body could get pretty symbolically fraught at this point) to sex issues (even with full consent, maybe letting another being back and forth across his body boundaries isn't something Sam can do anymore) or, hell, maybe he's carving up his flesh with sigils against angelic vesselhood or demonic possession or any other invasion he can think of. However you, dear writer, decide to express it, Sam becomes a fortress bristling with whatever desperate defenses he can think of, and he's retreated as far into that fortress as he can.

Cas, who knows the vessel situation from the other side but has now been seen as a potential vessel himself, would be an interesting element in the mix. If you went for the Sam/Cas option, I like the idea that Sam might decide that sex for the time being wasn't something he was up for, and he and Cas would figure out some mode of contact that worked for both of them. Claimed by quickreaver.

97- Gen or Sam/Dean. With the MoL library and Sam's interest in it, this fandom needs some book-based horror. A book you can't stop reading, over and over? A book that forces you to act out its story? A book that turns out to be printed with your most secret and horrible and shameful thoughts? A book that every moment tells you what terrible thing is going to happen to you down the road, depending on each minor decision you make? An illuminated manuscript where the little monsters in the margin escape?

Use your imagination. Just Sam, book, bad stuff.

98- Sam/Kevin or Sam and Kevin. There's a wardrobe (or similar item) somewhere deep in the bunker, and it doesn't lead to Narnia, or even Oz. Sam and Kevin get trapped in a bad place, Sam's leg is broken, and they have to figure out how to get back home.

99- Gen or Sam/Dean. Through some chance, Sam gets a cat (it can be a Russian Blue, or a Burmese, or one of the other breeds supposed to be hypoallergenic, so Dean can live with it). Sam's a confirmed dog person, of course, but, you know, the cat does have a certain charm. Not that Sam bonds with it or anything. Not beyond plausible deniability.

But then there's cat scratch fever. It's usually a mild disease bringing nothing much worse than teasing from one's sibling, but if you want to make things more serious, a few severer varieties show up in immunocompromised people. Like, say, people who have gone two-thirds of the way through supernatural Trials.

100- The Bat Cave is Atlantis.

By which I mean, not the actual literal sunken city of earthly legend, but like Atlantis from Stargate Atlantis fanon, a byzantine possibly sentient meticulously designed death-trap riddled with portals and cursed objects and a slumbering intelligence desperate to merge with a compatible human to fulfill some higher purpose like blowing starships out of the air or nuking Faerie. The had no idea the place had a garage until now. Who knows what else there is?

Starring Sam Winchester as the lucky focus of the Bat Cave's attentions! Claimed by indiachick

101- Curtain!fic due to permanent.disability is always a treat. I'm partial to arm or leg damage ;D ... Outsider POV would be intriguing (but optional). Claimed by madebyme_x.

102- Sam loses both of his legs in a hunting accident. You can decide what level of paralyzed he is due to this. Dean and the others (preferably Bobby and Cas, though Kevin, Charlie and/or Jodie are also cool if you wanna set this in a later season) try their best to help him adjust to this new life. Gen or Sam/Cas, please!

103- Season 9. TW for non-con. A group of angels find Castiel and decide to punish him for his transgressions by going after his lover. Sam is brutally attacked physically and sexually by all of them. They offer Castiel a choice by the time he gets there to find Sam bloodied and battered. They'll keep quiet about Castiel's position on angel radio and let him get back to his life. All he has to do is prove he's one of them by having a go at Sam, too.

Preferably no character death. You can end this and the aftermath any way you'd like to, however.

Sam/Dean, Other Slash & Het

104- Sam and Dean get together, but sex doesn't do anything for Sam anymore post-hell/hallucifer/trials trauma. Sam likes the physical intimacy and wants Dean to have a good time enough to have sex anyway, but Dean makes a project out of finding what Sam enjoys and what it takes to rev him up again. Cue patient, comforting, exploratory sex. Talkiness or goofiness would be most welcome too. Claimed by jalu2.

105- Pre-series, slight AU. Sam/Jess. Jess knows Sam doesn't like to talk about his family and it's never really been a problem, but when Sam comes down with a major case of pneumonia and is sent to the hospital, the staff won't let Jess see him or inform her about his condition since she isn't family or on his emergency card. In a desperate moment, she steals Sam's phone and calls his father and leaves a message. Four hours later, John Winchesters shows up and the two of them take care of a very sick Sam. Jess finds out about Sam's past and John finds out about Sam's life at Stanford and they bond over how much they love the sick man in front of them. I'd prefer Dean not to show up (to keep their first meeting in pilot canon) but if you wanna have John call Dean or something like that, go for it!

106- S9 or future!fic. Way back when, in S7, Castiel said he could "shift" Sam's trouble. He did specify that it was only a temporary fix, and now, well, time's up. Sam's hold on reality starts to slip gradually, and it doesn't seem like there's much to be done about it. I would LOVE it if someone could make this Sam/Cas. Or at least give me some Sam & Cas bonding. :) Claimed by de_nugis.

107- Sam/Amelia. Sam acquires a pretty serious injury, and Amelia fixes it. Bonus points if this injury is from something supernatural, which Amelia finds out about.

108- Sam/Amelia. Amelia knows she's a mess, but she's starting to think Sam is even more of a mess. I'd just like to see some effects of all Sam's psychological trauma - the cage, the hallucinations, his period being soulless - coming to fore, and Amelia helping, terrible bedside manner and all. Claimed by de_nugis.

!mod post, &fic challenge

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