
Aug 17, 2012 19:56

Title: And this Great Blue World of Ours (Epilogue)

Fandom: Supernatural
Beta: currently unbeated
Characters (overall): Dean, Castiel, Sam, plus a number of angels and demons
Rating (overall): NC-17
Warnings (overall): violence, torture, drug use, insanity, rape
Spoilers: Going AU during episode 5.18: Point of No Return. No spoilers for after season five ( Read more... )

nightmares, starvation, sexual abuse: non-con, cough, fever, broken bones/fractures, » fic, chronic pain, psychic powers, chronic illness, blindness, insanity, cuts/lacerations, fainting/collapse, withdrawal, injury, sexual assault, addiction, hell/post-hell issues, substance abuse, infection, abuse, blood loss, torture, unconsciousness, seizures, exhaustion

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Comments 11

vanaynay67 August 17 2012, 20:28:24 UTC


vail_kagami August 23 2012, 23:17:25 UTC
I have no idea how to reply to this. :D


leah_elisabeth August 17 2012, 22:19:56 UTC
You are not the only one tearing up. I wasn't quite sure whether to be sad or happy. One thing we learn from Supernatural is that Death is not the end and really, Sam couldn't have asked for anything better than to go on his own terms with his brother by his side. I do wish we could see Castiel's death though. I think that is the saddest part. Dean and Sam will always find each other, but Cas is alone. :(
I often wondered as I was reading how you could possibly end this without making everyone hate you, or even end it at all and this is the answer I never imagined. Well done!


vail_kagami August 23 2012, 23:16:59 UTC
Thank you very much! It sucks to have an unsatisfying ending after you stuck with a story this long, so I'm very happy this seems to have worked!
Cas still has a long was to go, but he will die eventually, and the hardest part of his journey is already over. (Maybe I'll give some little snapshots of his post-Winchester life one day.)


gidgetgal9 August 18 2012, 02:39:49 UTC
You finally made it to the end- well done. Sad ending but hopeful too at least for the boys. Poor Cas has a longer road ahead of him.


vail_kagami August 23 2012, 23:13:21 UTC
Yes, he does. But it'll be easier than the one he already left behind. He's gonna have his happy-ish ending, too, one day.
Thank you for your comment!


sylvia37 August 18 2012, 13:31:15 UTC
So sad, but so hopeful. I'm so glad they had some peace at the end. Especially Sam. Even though he was so sick and still plagued by nightmares, he was free and with his brother and friend, and that was more than I'd hoped for at the beginning of this story, LOL. Truly amazing job. I'd love to see a little aftermath too.


vail_kagami August 23 2012, 23:11:18 UTC
Thank you for your continued support throughout this story! I'm so glad the ending was satisfying.
Maybe one day I'll write a little bit about Cas and his aftermath. But that'll be a while.


sylvia37 August 24 2012, 12:39:17 UTC
I loved the story. I hope if you decide to revisit it, you tell us little about Sam and Dean's heaven too.

I look forward to more of your writing.


pennies_4_eyes December 14 2012, 20:42:45 UTC
Holy crap! When they look up "bittersweet" in the dictionary, this story should be right there as a prime example!

Wonderful, WONDERFUL ending. It hurt in all the right ways but was just what it should be...a release.

I'm sad for Cas, but I loved that Sam held on until he'd established Cas' fate. I love reading shorter pieces, but every once in a while I like a longer journey with a deeper edge to it and not only did this story hit the spot in that respect, but you also represented Sam, Dean and especially Cas in the exact way I perceive their natures. So it was such a wonderful read. And yeah, you made me sniffle a lot. But like all the hardest things are, reading this was SO worth it.

I will be working some fanart, just as soon as I figure out how to draw 'really skinny Sam' to my satisfaction.


vail_kagami December 15 2012, 17:54:52 UTC
Thank you so much! This comment made my day. Writing this story was hard and exhausting, but I'm kind of glad how it all turned out in the end.

And I'm so very excited about the prospect of fanart!


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