Fic Challenge Prompting Post!

Nov 02, 2011 09:38

Okay, from November 2nd to November 8th inclusively, leave your prompts here! Five prompts per participant only. You don't have to participate in the challenge to leave a prompt, although it is encouraged! I will compile a master list under the cut, along with claims. (You don't have to prompt in order to claim, either, for that matter, but again, ( Read more... )

&fic challenge

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de_nugis November 3 2011, 01:52:01 UTC
Future fic, curtain fic, Sam/Dean or gen.

Sam and Dean have been retired from hunting and settled for a while now. Sam's Cage aftermath has become not exactly fine, but an accepted part of their lives: he has good patches and bad patches, but he and Dean are used to it and know how to manage. Then Sam is injured in some totally mundane way, and his mobility is permanently compromised. So much of the coping that's worked for him for years has to do with routines that are now disrupted: no more runs, no more long walks, he can't even go up and down the damn stairs. If he and Dean are fighting Sam can't get out of the house for a few hours to cool off, just when they'd finally gotten their relationship on an even keel around their different ways of dealing.

Cue Sam spiraling down and having to readjust. Dean who isn't coping too well himself is always welcome.


madebyme_x November 21 2011, 12:53:46 UTC
I've been trying to push on with a first draft for a different fic but despite my best efforts I just can't get this out of my head! I've never filled a prompt before and I'm pretty new to LJ but I'd love to try and give it a go if that's OK with you?

The only problem is that I'm from the UK and season 7 hasn't aired here yet, so if I claimed this would it be OK if the fic goes AU from 6.22 and then jumps into a future fic? If it is, do want to make any changes/additions to the original prompt regarding Sam's mental status?

I'd love to hear your thoughts as this prompt is becoming a rather exciting and terrifying nuisance!


de_nugis November 21 2011, 13:19:06 UTC
Delighted you're interested in the prompt, and no problem with a 6.22 AU. I was thinking future!fic anyway, and I'm good with all kinds of ways of imagining how Sam would respond to hell memories.

And welcome to LJ.


CLAIM madebyme_x November 22 2011, 16:46:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm pretty nervous but I'm going to give this a shot and see what happens, so yes, I'd like to claim this please.

Ratherastory - My apologies for the confusion I just wanted to make sure that de_nugis was happy with the time-line before I fully committed to it.

Fingers crossed I can do this fabulous prompt justice - I'll make a start once my hands have stopped shaking!


Re: CLAIM ratherastory November 22 2011, 19:49:53 UTC
All yours!


madebyme_x November 25 2011, 11:13:51 UTC
Thank you!


madebyme_x January 27 2012, 18:44:55 UTC
Just a quick note to say thank you for the awesome prompt! I had a blast writing the fic and while it was a nerve-racking experience I had a lot of fun.

I enjoy leaving my comfort zone when it comes to writing and I never thought I'd write a future/curtain fic so thank you for the inspiration.

Take care :)


*mod hat* ratherastory November 22 2011, 00:38:16 UTC
Are you claiming this? You didn't put "claim" in your subject line and I can't tell from your comment if you're actually claiming it or not.


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