comment fic meme!

Aug 02, 2011 01:56

Following the results of the poll we took last month (don't make it easy on us or anything, guys, haha!), we've decided to hold a comment fic meme once every three months. This gives everyone time to write and prompt to their heart's content, and allows us mods to keep up with y'all. And we're starting right now!

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&comment-fic meme

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marziebarz August 2 2011, 19:05:12 UTC
Sam, Cas, gen, sometime in Season 5. Sam gets sick, and Cas is the only one who notices. Sam is ignoring the problem until it goes away; cue Cas trying (awkwardly) to take care of him.


FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence minviendha August 8 2011, 04:03:22 UTC
Title subject to future change without notice. >>Castiel had great admiration for Dean Winchester, but he was beginning to wonder if he wasn’t, perhaps, a bit oblivious ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 2/? minviendha August 8 2011, 04:04:10 UTC
“Yeah…yeah, I’m fine. Something probably just didn’t agree with me, happens a lot ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 3/? minviendha August 8 2011, 04:05:23 UTC
That left it up to him, and he was woefully ignorant about this kind of thing, but he had gathered what the Winchester brothers did when they were ignorant about something. Or at least one of them.

He went to the library.

**“I would like to see your books on illness, please,” Castiel announced to the librarian, upon walking inside. She looked up from her glossy magazine - Castiel could read the headline as “10 Sex Moves That Will Blow His Mind” - and stared at him for a moment ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 minviendha August 8 2011, 04:05:49 UTC
By the end of the whole thing, Sam was watching him suspiciously out of bleary eyes, and Dean was just plain watching him ( ... )


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 mimblexwimble August 8 2011, 13:07:19 UTC
“Unh. Not really. Don’t tell Dean, though, it’s the only way I can get any touchy-feely time.” Sam made a strange hiccupping noise.

I love that! 'Cause honestly if someone was rubbing my back while I was puking or something, I would be uncomfortable. But of course, Sam's going to take what he can get! Hee, so sweet.


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 marziebarz August 8 2011, 18:03:25 UTC
YOU FILLED MY PROMPT!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Thank youuuuu =D. And you filled it SO PERFECTLY, I love love love it sooooooooooo much!!! I like how Cas went to a library to figure this stuff out, and then just started shoving things at Sam until he took them. And the last lines are hilarious!



Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 kettle_o_fish August 9 2011, 03:06:53 UTC
“Oh god,” Sam said, but it did not sound worshipful.


Cas and Sam need more BFF time. I love them.


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 ramblin_rosie August 10 2011, 05:37:08 UTC
HEE! I love Cas in this mode! :D


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 sinka August 14 2011, 12:00:20 UTC
Wow, I loved this to pieces (not any surprise here since I adore all your fics). The story is a subtle mix of funny and sad at the same time. Your Cas is simply awesome, awkwardly trying to help Sam as much as he can. But at the same time it's heartbreaking to see Sam trying to hard not to be a bother for Dean...

During Season Five Dean did seem to be trying not to pay any attention to Sam, so it's totally believable. I'm glad he finally realized though, I hope makes it up with a lot of caring and awesome big-brotherness!


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 emmram August 15 2011, 04:24:29 UTC
Hee. That was adorable and awesome.


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 quickreaver August 15 2011, 05:12:53 UTC
Your Cas was adorably alien! Great fill. :D


Re: FILLED: Not Exactly Clarence, 4/4 destinyjadams August 26 2011, 00:47:40 UTC
That last sentence just made my entire night. Seriously, that was awesome!


waya98 October 25 2013, 19:33:54 UTC
Love this story. Can you send me a direct link so I can save it in my memories?


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