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Everything's better with Meg! rokhal April 30 2011, 15:39:29 UTC
Meg captures the boys -- somehow -- and decides to have some fun with them -- because she's crazy. And as she goes to work on Sam, she somehow accidentally triggers a Hell seizure. Her reaction:
Ooh, Sammy. Twice the bang for the buck. Let's do that again!


Re: Everything's better with Meg! minviendha May 2 2011, 06:22:56 UTC
...goddammit. I shouldn't pick up any more prompts for potential writing. I just barely finished the last one and I have a Big Bang to write!

But I want this one. And I want to write it.


Re: Everything's better with Meg! authoressnebula May 2 2011, 16:28:08 UTC
I want you to write this. Please oh please oh please. ♥



Re: Everything's better with Meg! minviendha May 3 2011, 00:16:24 UTC

On it! XD


Re: Everything's better with Meg! rokhal May 3 2011, 01:03:28 UTC
EEEEEEEE <3333333


FILLED: All Waters Have the Color of Drowning, 1/? minviendha May 5 2011, 03:32:33 UTC
Oh look. >> Unbeta'd, so forgive any glaring mistakes errors, and uh. I should probably warn for torture here. Mm.


Demons were part cockroach, Dean was pretty sure, and Meg was the worst. Just when it seemed like she was gone for good she came right back. Raring for more.

And somehow she still managed to catch them unawares, and that ended like this: trussed up on a concrete floor with Sam a few feet away and similarly restrained but with his hands in front, still unconscious. Dean twisted against the ropes, boiling with frustration at himself for getting them both caught with his pants down and just plain rage with Meg.

“Wriggle all you like,” Meg’s voice said silkily from behind him. He tried to twist his head, but in his current position it wouldn’t go far enough. “I can tie a good knot, Dean-o ( ... )


Re: FILLED: All Waters Have the Color of Drowning, 2/? minviendha May 5 2011, 03:33:23 UTC
Sam forced himself to grin, but it felt more like a rictus. “Nah. I’m good.” He tried to twitch away as Meg reached out and shifted a strand of hair off his face ( ... )


Re: FILLED: All Waters Have the Color of Drowning, 3/? minviendha May 5 2011, 03:34:43 UTC
His eyes opened. Sam didn’t understand at first, nothing but the ache in his arms becoming a slow and constant burn and the throbbing raw pain in his shoulder and spreading out. And the smiling face watching him with new interest.

He coughed, spat. His mouth tasted like vomit, and glancing down, he could see why. His own breathing felt ragged, and his heart pounded frantically.

“Well,” said the smile (Meg, he managed) with smug delight. “Isn’t that fascinating. Isn’t that just…I liked that, Sammy.” Her smile widened, which seemed impossible. “I liked that quite a lot.”

She lifted the knife, brought the edge to the raw and bleeding flesh she’d already skinned, and leaned in close. Her voice was low and husky.

“Let’s do it again.”


All’s quiet in the next room. Quiet enough Dean could hear his own heartbeat. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

(He didn’t make much of a sound at all when he was seizing.)Meg said no permanent damage. Who knows what that means, though? Or how much she’s lying? Dean kept ( ... )


Re: FILLED: All Waters Have the Color of Drowning, 4/4 minviendha May 5 2011, 03:35:33 UTC
Sam spit out blood. The last…he bit through his lip. He’s worried his tongue will be next. He is almost sure his thrashing dislocated one shoulder. It feels wrong. He feels wrong. This feels unreal. This warehouse is false and with-

No. Stop. Dean’s just outside. Dean will-Meg drew a bloody finger in a line down his chest. The right side was mostly raw flesh, now. Strip by strip, she was peeling skin and the wall away together. “Tell me, Sam,” she said, and dug her nails into raw muscle ( ... )


Re: FILLED: All Waters Have the Color of Drowning, 4/4 authoressnebula May 5 2011, 19:38:42 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous. ♥ I loved how Sam started splitting apart at the seams at the end and, worse yet, how much it made sense for him to, from his point of view. Well done.



Re: FILLED: All Waters Have the Color of Drowning, 4/4 rokhal May 6 2011, 00:29:01 UTC
“You look nervous, Sammy,” Meg said, crouching down beside him. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”

Scary Meg. Really scary Meg. She's really complex in this -- it's like she's jealous of Sam for meeting her god.

Sam's fear felt so real. And the flaying? There's something horrendously wrong about the concept of someone else's fingers under your skin.



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