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FILLED: I'll Be There For You 1/? cherry916 April 26 2011, 01:44:05 UTC
Sorry it's not that big but I tried to write as much possible for it

It couldn’t have even been more than one week after Sam discovered the supernatural that he started having nightmares.

It wasn’t like Sam never had nightmares before. For weeks after their Mother’s death, baby Sammy had reoccurring nightmares. The fact the baby couldn’t tell anyone what was wrong or what scared him only made it worse; Dean eventually started to sleep in the crib with him which helped to ease them some.

After that they slowly came to a halt, mainly because Sam could tell Dean or his Dad what was wrong or what was scaring him. Now it seemed as if Sam didn’t want to admit what was scaring him. Dean didn’t know whether Sam was too afraid of his nightmares or just plain afraid of what his father would say about it.

Dean would laugh it off and say ‘you know Dad wouldn’t say anything about them’ then would promptly give Sam a noogie…and that was that. But Dean wasn’t stupid…he knows what his Dad would say…‘you hunt the supernatural now you can’t ( ... )


Re: FILLED: I'll Be There For You 2/3 cherry916 April 26 2011, 01:46:22 UTC
“Sam you’re not aiming straight…I told you that in order to hit a bullseye you have to hold your firearm straight.”

Sam swallowed and readjusted his weapon. Closing his finger on the trigger he tightened until the gun fired, but alas he missed the bullseyes again. He barely hit the thing at all.

He heard his Dad huff irritably and spit out a few curse words. “Come on Sammy! Dean was hitting this by the time he was six.”

I’m not Dean Sam wanted to yell but he knew that argument would be fruitless against their Dad who took no reason but his own ( ... )


Re: FILLED: I'll Be There For You 3/3 cherry916 April 26 2011, 01:47:52 UTC
Later that night after Sam drifted off to sleep, he started to toss and turn in bed. Sweat beaded on his brow, and his breathing became short and wheezy.

“Look what you did Sam! Look what you did to my son!”

Sam gasped as he saw Dean lying on the floor with a bullet between his eyes.

“I did-didn’t…Dean?”

“He’s dead Sam! All because you can’t hit a target! You’re pathetic! Weak! A failure! Dean was my only true son. You’re no human! You’re a monster and monsters need to be killed.”

Sam gulped as his Dad swung a machete towards his neck.

Bolting straight up in bed Sam gasped and heaved in oxygen. He could feel tears trickle down his face unconsciously. Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream…he chanted as his breathing started to slow down.

It was a dream? Wasn’t it? Fearing the worst Sam got out of bed and tip toed to Dean’s bed. At first he couldn’t see anything and almost had a panic attack. Then he noticed Dean’s blond hair glimmering in the moonlight. Sighing in relief Sam hesitantly put his fingers to his pulse point…just ( ... )


Re: FILLED: I'll Be There For You 3/3 elliemurasaki April 26 2011, 23:12:00 UTC


Re: FILLED: I'll Be There For You 3/3 cherry916 April 26 2011, 23:16:37 UTC


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