Title: shiver and quiver, little tree
Author: running_hot
Rating: PG
Summary: He is hypothermic when he wakes. Cold, bare feet, dumb and shaking hands, lips that might be blue if he could see them. He is half-blind in the daytime as if he's stared too long at the sun. He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know where he's from, he only knows that he has to go home.
Wordcount: 6800 (approx.)
Pairing/Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, gen
Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me, nor will it ever. Title taken from the song Cinderella at the Grave from Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods.
Betas: Many thanks to the wondrous
sakura_no_mi, who read through this at several stages of development, pointed out weird spellings, and helped me with my Cas voice. Also thanks to the several people from the Pinto chat who read through this, even with no knowledge of SPN, just to stop me from freaking out.
Author's Note: Full prompt at bottom of fic. Written for the
ohsam h/c fic exchange, for a beautiful prompt by
(follow this lovely fake cut to my journal.)