Daniel Radcliffe talks candidly about Harry Potter, fame, alcoholism and masturbation

Oct 20, 2015 19:21

New Interview with Playboy Magazine


About Harry Potter and fame:

-He thought that he wouldn't get recognized as much after Harry Potter was over, but instead he feels he gets recognized more now:

"Here’s what’s scary: If you were 14 when the first film came out, you’d now be almost in your 30s and could well have a child under 10 whom you’re now introducing to Harry Potter. We’re already getting the next generation. That’s just bizarre. It’s never going away".

On his drinking problem in the past:

-Says that he drank alcohol to escape from feeling self-conscious. And that he hated it whenever people took pics of him on their camera phones when he went to bars and clubs.

"A few years ago there was a TV ad that showed a lot of inventors, including a guy who invented the camera phone. He was smiling smugly into the camera, and I was just like, Fuck you. What have you wrought? [laughs] Camera phones are definitely not my favorite".

On having "fuck-you" money:

Gary Oldman told him that he had "fuck-you" money and Danrad talks about everyone expects him to be a huge asshole because of how rich he is. So when's he not an asshole, it always just automatically works in his favor.

On masturbating:

Says that he started masturbating at a very young age (before his teens). But he never did so on the Harry Potter set because that would have been embarrassing and weird to him.

"I wasn’t going, When is Alan Rickman going to nail this scene so I can run back to my trailer? There’s another feeling, again perfectly described by Louis C.K.: that fear just after you’ve jerked off that everyone knows what you did. It would have been embarrassing to walk back on set and look the dignitaries of British acting royalty in the eye, knowing what I’d been doing".


which Harry Potter star do you think jerked off on-set, ONTD?!?

harry potter, daniel radcliffe
