British actor Sir Ian McKellen has said gay people are still thought of as mutants in many places across the world. The ‘X Men: Days Of Future Past’ star has revealed the director, Bryan Singer, convinced him to be Magneto by talking about gay rights.
‘When Bryan Singer asked me to be in these films all those years ago he sold it to me on just this point: as a gay man you can identify with mutants - people who have talents, are remarkable people, but are despised by society as they’re different,’ he told Channel 4 News.
‘In many areas of the world being gay is still a mutancy which is clearly not tolerated in some societies.
‘You can be put to death for your sexuality. Not in this country. We have advanced - it’s been one of the great joys of my life - since these films have been made.’
McKellen was also asked about his views on UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who claimed most British people over 70 are ‘uncomfortable’ with homosexuality.
He said: ‘I detest those nasty words that come out of people’s minds as people shouting into the wind.
‘People shout louder and louder because they are so frustrated their opinions and their prejudices have not been confirmed by the rest of society. I’m very optimistic things are changing here, not in the rest of the world.’
He added: ‘Farage needs to get out more…gay people can come here [to England] and get married. The story is over.’
SOURCE ONTD, if you were a mutant what powers or abilities would you want to have???