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Comments 27

fimh January 15 2014, 04:44:39 UTC
i was reading an interview he did with some tabloid today and it was ridiculous. the whole thing was about how much of a bitch kate is, and how she is ruining their children's lives putting them on tv....

but like, giving an entire interview about how much the mother of your child sucks is just as bad!! they are going to read that shit, jon


stonemesilly January 15 2014, 04:45:51 UTC
If he doesn't want his kids to have to watch their parents relationship unravel on national television then he should stop giving interviews bashing their mother.

She might be an "asshole" but why you were wondering around the globe on boats while wearing Ed Hardy, she was busy taking care of your 8 children.


lumosofmylife January 15 2014, 04:47:28 UTC
He didn't want his divorce documented where his kids saw it, but then he goes on to bad mouth her all the time to the media??????


heart_of_butter January 15 2014, 05:01:32 UTC
Guess that busboy money isn't making ends meet.


kweenbeyonce January 15 2014, 05:03:14 UTC
Fame is trash. I feel sorry him/them all of this.


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