
Jul 18, 2006 14:28

I was at my favorite local bar last night, The Bog in downtown Scranton. Around midnight, who walks in alone? None other than Kiefer Sutherland (24, Phone Booth)!

It's a real local crowd in there. Everyone knows everyone else so when he walked in, eyes were popping. He ordered his beer of choice and sat down at a table with a couple of people. For the most part, no one bothered him. A few people went over to say that they loved his work which he graciously thanked them for.

I wish I had pictures but alas, The Bog is always dark, I didn't have my digi and my phone doesn't have a flash. It was definitely the highlight of my "The bar closes at 2am but I didn't leave until 6am" night!

I mean, who comes to, of all places, Scranton? Random!