Jake and George

Mar 06, 2006 23:07

Jake Gyllenhaal and Keira Knightley Get Cozy?

While Jake Gyllenhaal may have left the Academy Awards empty handed, a report claims that he may have had his hands full striking British actress and fellow nominee Keira Knightley before the big night.

Now they would make a beautiful couple.

Page Six dispatches a spy that delivers this report:

Oscar season always brings out young love. Jake Gyllenhaal, single since his split with Kirsten Dunst last year, was "getting cozy" with fellow Oscar nominee Keira Knightley in L.A. in the days leading up to the ceremony.

"They were at Soho House two nights in a row together and definitely looked like a couple," snitched our spy.


What do couple's look like?

None-the-less, can you imagine if these two would hit it off and have kids? Beautiful.


By George ...he is one sexy-looking hunk o' man

Why do we love George Clooney?

Let us count the ways. And they boil down to more than the fact that he's the first nominee who's been voted by People magazine as "Sexiest Man Alive" AND achieved three Oscar nominations in the same year for acting, directing and writing.

He's well-dressed: First of all he looks mighty fine in a tux. Even if it's the same one from Armani that he's admitted to wearing for the last 10 years. He said he thought about going out Sunday to get a new tux "or I could play basketball with my friends" ... so he wore the same tux.

He's so eligible: We can't help thinking, even those of us who are happily married, that he just hasn't met the right woman yet, and that we could help. So it's fun to not only imagine setting him up with other celebrities, but also to harbor the secret dream that he's been holding out so long because he's really, truly meant for one of us.

No more tears: Barbara Walters couldn't make him cry. Not even close.

Healthy self-esteem: Did the thought of scary love handles keep George from gaining 30 pounds for his role in "Syriana"? Not one bit. And of course, then he lost it and got that sexy shape back.

He's an old-fashioned movie star: Like Cary Grant and Clark Gable, fans love him. When he stepped on the red carpet Sunday night, a big cheer went up from the bleachers.

He's humble: "They are all stellar performances and truly great work, and I am honored to be up here," he said in accepting the best supporting actor Oscar.

He's smart: Just look at the political films he's made.

He's funny: Just look at the Rat Pack films he's remade.

He's good for a snappy comeback: Who else do you like here tonight? Ebert asked him Sunday. "I don't like anybody else here," he told Ebert on the red carpet. "You know that Ang Lee character (who was also nominated in the best director category with him)? I don't like him. I think he's a Communist."

He's just so damned good looking: Just look at him! He's got a million-dollar smile. He might be the only man who could sport everything from a "Caesar" hairdo to a mullet (during his "Facts of Life" stint) to 30 extra pounds and a beard - and still be one of the sexiest men on the planet.

He's distinguished: A little gray at the temples only makes him better-looking.

He's a winner: Didn't he look handsome with that best-supporting actor Oscar.


He's happy he got Clooney's number. Clooney is such a slut!

Photos from Iheartjake & Getty