Jeremy Renner is on and in Men's Health (September 2010). In it, he talks about a fussiness for clothing that doesn't show up in his casually masculine appearance:
He'll have a plain white shirt altered by a tailor. 'It's like building a house, or anything, really,' he says. 'That's just how my mind is built. I think about the shingles on a roof or the piping on a couch or the leather on a jacket.'
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gah, his eyes melt me
But, aside from acting, Jeremy just wants to stay true to himself. “My plan isn’t to be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it, and not because I have to," he told the mag. "I call it my ‘pull-chute’ plan. That’s a military thing, you know … time to pull chute, like, time to kind of float and enjoy the view.”
He’d rather just not be in tabloids and chooses to be fearless and live for himself instead. "I don’t need some tabloid running off with something just because I got drunk some night and showed my ass to the bartender,” he said. “I made a very conscious decision to be fearless, to live a life of fear-freeness. I decided to do something every day I was afraid of.”
“I swam with sharks,” he recalled of a scuba trip off California’s southern coast. “I was terrified of sharks and I’m still terrified of sharks, but at least I was taking action-and not being squelched by something I don’t know about.”
In addition, he says “sometimes I just kind of want to have fun and be unconscious for a while.”
Source: my screencaps of giant scans at
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