Prince Harry wants to take Lady Gaga drinking

Feb 17, 2010 18:24

Regal fire crotch Prince Harry wants to take Lady GaGa for a raucous night on the tiles.
HRH naughty, 25, has told the First Lady of weirdness, 23, he wants to take her to his favourite exclusive drinking holes.
Our spy says: "Harry's friends have told him he should take her out to Whisky Mist among the other clubs."
The BRITS winner says she's besotted with the prince but added: "I could never give up my leather and lace."
Maybe in true Grease style, Hazzah will ditch his regal clobber and don a gimp mask.

I did not write this tripe

ONTD, what - if anything - would Harry and Gaga have in common? (Aside from a love of fashion)

lady gaga, british celebrities
