I should be getting paid for this shit: Being Human Post

Feb 16, 2010 18:58

Who saw the last episode?? Shit got REALLY real.

Being Human creator Toby Whithouse is back with his latest blog post to clear up a few of the issues you've been discussing on the blog this week...

Ok, I think we need to do a bit of housekeeping. General tidying up and dusting and so on. I assume that's what housekeeping is. I'm too rich and successful to do actual housekeeping. I have a team of people to do that for me. They're very sweet and I hope I'm a friendly and approachable boss. As long as they never speak or make direct eye contact with me.

No, in this context I'm talking about clearing up a couple of plot inconsistencies and contradictions.
So let's jump straight in.

In series 1 she describes her first meeting with Mitchell. He walked into a bar and her legs turned into spaghetti, she said. But hang on, in episode 5 he takes her hostage! Has the production team made a glaring and embarrassing error, and has it now been left to Toby to make up some lame cover story? Is that what happened?
Basically you have a choice of two answers.
(a) Yes.
(b) Relationships don't always follow a linear pattern. Boy meets girl. Asks girl on date. Asks girl on second date. She invites him back to her house for adult cuddles.
Certainly Mitchell and Josie's relationship is far from conventional. Though it'd make quite a good dinner party conversation. "So how did you guys get together?" "Well, quite a funny story actually..."
So I think once Mitchell had returned to her at the end of episode 5, they had to start their relationship again from scratch. I think then they followed a more traditional relationship model. Bear in mind, it was through his relationship with Josie that Mitchell made a serious attempt to kick the blood. That means imposing some kind of order to what was until then an appallingly chaotic and violent lifestyle. Routine and structure would have been absolutely essential. So they literally started dating. Mitchell would have needed a reason to stay on the straight and narrow and Josie would have had to become a mixture of counselor, parent, lover, carrot and stick. Dating is a quintessentially human habit and so would have served as a kind of occupational therapy as he attempted to renounce his old ways and become more human. So the date Josie talks about in series 1 is, I think, the first date she and Mitchell had once he had decided to devote himself to humanity. Her first date with Mitchell the man.

What happened to George's 'tourettes'?
Having drugged himself and spent the transformation unconscious in a cage, the wolf had been suppressed and started to tear through to the surface during George's 'down time'.
I think George's attack on the bullying Ross was an effective release of the wolf's rage. Plus it's something that just naturally fades into the background as the month goes on, much like George's heightened senses. Even so, it's far from an ideal solution. George can't spend the first 10 - 14 post-transformation days walking around swearing at children and beating people up. So the drugging part of the process was jettisoned straight afterwards, though the cage remains. As you'll see in ep 7.

How did Mitchell get into the paedophile's flat, and indeed Josie's flat, without being invited?
Well, the 'rule' of Vampires having to be invited into a house before they can enter would have its roots in ancient history. Probably from a time when most houses were single occupancies and not split into lots of flats and apartments. Thus the rule would apply to an entire building as opposed to single internal property. Otherwise a vampire would need to ask permission just to move from one room to another. So in both cases, all Mitchell would need to do is gain entry to the block and then he could move around from room to room and indeed apartment to apartment. I expect he and Herrick, having picked up the two doomed girls, would have paused on the doorstep of the block and waited to be invited in.
Similarly he will have got another tenant to let him into the paedophile's block and then crept into the specific property. Now of course we could have shown this, but scenes like that will take up screen time that could be better used with jokes about Tracy Beaker.

Why did Mitchell, legendary charmer that he is, become so tongue-tied with Lucy?
Well, I guess I wrote that from experience. Not just mine, but watching how friends of both sexes - clever, articulate, funny, confident people - can suddenly lose about 15 points from their I.Q. in the presence of a certain someone. I've seen smart, sexy, opinionated women literally pour tea on themselves and walk into cupboards when Aidan has walked in the room. I've seen men burst into tears or spontaneously start doing press ups when Lenora arrives. And of course the more aware of it you become, the worse it gets. "Ok this time I won't be an idiot..." And of course you are.
Bear in mind Lucy was approaching their initial meetings with the mother of all agendas, which put her in the position of control. Unconsciously Mitchell would have detected this unfamiliar power balance and it would have completely thrown him. This would be new territory for him. And he would have been completely lost there.

Right. There. I hope that all makes sense.

Hey, I've nearly finished the first draft of episode 1, series 3. (oh shiiiiiiiit)
Blimey. It's bonkers.

The Explosion

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He's Back

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"It was a terrible shock." Loved her!




Oh and p.s. - According to BBC America, Series 2 of Being Human will begin on the 25th of July in the States!

british celebrities, television
