Juliette Lewis and Orlando Bloom on the set of Sympathy for Delicious

Feb 07, 2009 14:58

Dressing up is clearly a lot of fun whatever your age as Juliette Lewis demonstrated on the set of her latest film.
Clearly having a lot of fun getting into character, Lewis, 35, was in Los Angeles filming for actor Mark Ruffalo's directorial debut Sympathy For Delicious for which filming began last week.

In December it was announced that Lewis would be joining the cast, which also includes Orlando Bloom and Laura Linney.
The film is about a paralysed DJ, struggling to survive on the streets of LA, who turns to faith healing and mysteriously develops the ability to cure the sick. Sadly for him, his ability does not extend to himself.
Orlando landed the role of the rocker after the tragic death of SCOTT RUFFALO, director MARK RUFFULO’S brother, delayed the film and meant original cast member JAMES FRANCO had to drop out.

Director Ruffalo will also take an acting role in the film where he plays a Jesuit priest who helps the DJ explore his gift and accept its limitations.

Get your tongue wet

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