Although the film adaptation of the hit video game franchise, Metal Gear Solid, is trapped in what looks like developmental hell, it seems that actress Amy Adams has been lined up to play Snake's redheaded, Desert Eagle-weilding love interest, Meryl Silverburgh, as this recent interview has revealed.
XTCGamer: Well, thanks for doing this interview, I know you’re a busy person. First question on every gamers mind is, have you ever played a video game?
Amy Adams: I have played a few video games, and I have watched my boyfriend play the first few hours of Final Fantasy 12, but honestly I can say that I don't follow games or know enough to consider myself a gamer.
XTCG: We have recently heard that you got asked to play Meryl in Metal Gear Solid. Will you do it?
AA: A lot has to happen for me to accept the role, first I have to relate and have a connection with the character. I have read half way through the script and Meryl developed into a real character that I felt for, she is someone who wants to be strong and will work for it no matter how hard it is. I mean the main character Snake at one point doubts her skills as a solider but she still wants to prove that she can handle herself in the battlefield. She never gives up. That’s the kind of role that I want, so if they call me in and ask me I will definitely say yes.
XTCG: Speaking of Snake, Can you tell us who they have asked to portray the series hero?
AA: From what I can tell you, they are still in early development for the movie. Some actors I know they have asked are Viggo Mortensen and Christian Bale, but that as far as I know and I can tell you, there really keeping secret about casting.
XTCG: Speaking of they, Can you tell us who is going to be director?
AA: Well, like I said there still in early development, but Kurt Wimmer is apparently asked to direct the movie, but nothing is official I mean they could change the director at any time, so nothing is definite right now.
XTCG: Last Question, if you do except the role of Meryl, Will you play the game to get a feel for the character?
AA: I’ll try I mean I am no good at games, but to get a better feel for my character and understand who she is, that’s where the script comes in. If the director wants me to then I will, but to play the game on my own I don’t think I will.
XTCG: Thanks Amy for the wonderful interview
AA: It’s been a pleasure.
In case you're curious, here's some pic-by-pic comparisons.
Source Do note that none of this is really "official," but it's coming straight from her mouth. Personally, I think I can see Amy as Meryl, but she'd have to bulk up some to look really convincing as a tough-as-nails FOXHOUND idolizer. She and Christian Bale would make a pretty hot couple, eh?