Facebook Pics of the U.S. Olympic Swimming Team

Aug 06, 2008 20:49

Because Michael Phelps is over-rated on ONTD, 
and it's almost 08.08.08, it's time for....
Facebook Pictures of the U.S. Olympic Swimming Team, featuring:
Phelps, Aaron Peirsol, Brendan Hansen, Katie Hoff, Ryan Lochte, Ian Crocker, Natalie Coughlin, Amanda Beard....

(center-right) Hayley Peirsol, Natalie Coughlin, Phelps

Hayley Peirsol is the one with the headband

Brendan Hansen, ?, Katie Hoff

fyi - she has bottoms on, she's just covering them up.

Aaron & Hayley Peirsol, Erik Vendt, ?, Ryan Lochte, ? in Australia

?, Ryan Lochte

Phelps, Hayley Peirsol (in front), Lochte, Coughlin (in front)

Coughlin, ?, Katie Hoff

Brendan Hansen, ?, Hoff

too many people to name, at 2007 Worlds

Hoff & Vendt

the girl is Caroline Burckle

Lochte, Hoff, Phelps, Megan Jendrick in China in 2007

Piersol, Ian Crocker, Neil Walker, Hansen

Amanda Beard, and YES that IS who you think it is

Amanda Beard with, according to the caption, her cousin

Lochte, Cullen Jones, Gil Stovall

Sources - The Facebook pages of: Amanda Beard, Ian Crocker, Katie Hoff, Cullen Jones, & Hayley Peirsol

ps - If anyone wants to friend them, this group is for the U.S. team and you can find them all there :)