[title of show] first preview reviews

Jul 06, 2008 10:52

Reviews from broadwayworld.com:

"The first preview... was more amazing than I could have ever hoped. Although an avid fan of the cast album, I had never seen the show before, and the book was an absolute delight."

"Oh. My. God. The most amazing experience I have ever had in a broadway theater. Not just the wonder of the performances/material, but the amount of love and energy in the audience was just astounding. Everyone in the show was so fantastic. All in all, it was an amazing night."

"I was completely blown away by the performance. The cast performed brilliantly and faultlessly, bringing new, fresh material to the stage."

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These reviews make me all the more excited to see [tos]!  Are any of you ONTD Broadway-ers going to see it any time soon?