celebrities were targeted by scientologists

Jan 23, 2008 20:05

Celebrities were apparently targeted by Scientologists a while back by using clay models...and playing with them...and other crazy/expected stuff - according to Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography

"What the celebrities never realized was that their introduction to Scientology was the result of weeks, sometimes months, of meticulous planning. The first stage was to identify a celebrity target, and then work out a 'battle plan' to lure them into the cult. To help them, dedicated scientologists made clay models of the individuals, Michael Jackson for example, outlining incremental scenarios that would help their planning. By turning the idea into clay, the concept was somehow made 'real.'
On the office wall inside the Celebrity Center in Hollywood was a three-foot-by-six-foot white magnetic 'org board' with the names of targeted celebrities cross-referenced to titles like 'contact,' 'handle,' 'intro session,' and 'org,' which indicated how involved an individual had become. It was a deadly serious business. The staff of the Celebrity Center was under intense pressure to show results."
"[Former scientologist Karen Pressley - the 'commanding officer' at the time] recalls, 'I remember David Miscavige [now the Scientology leader] pounding his fists and screaming threats about getting to more celebrities. It was psychotic.' With sickening regularity, she and her colleagues were warned that if they didn't get a celebrity into Scientology within 48 hours they would face internal discipline."


Also, here's also a quote from Naomi Watts:
"Tom has always been far more into scientology than Nicole. He is somewhat of a fanatic; Nicole never wanted to go that route."

source: Tom Cruise: An unauthorized bigoraphy by Andrew Morton (pgs 101 & 222)

idk if this was posted, or if anyone cares, but I thought it was interesting...and creepy. Mainly creepy. Also, does anyone want me to find some interesting things from the book and just make a post with various things from the book (or if there's anything specific anyone wants me to post about from it)? because I could (since I have no life).