Marilyn Manson Orlando Concert photos

Jan 20, 2008 08:02

I saw Marilyn Manson in concert last night & I snuck a camera in. I took tons of photos. The main reason why I went to this concert was for Twiggy... I'm obsessed with him. I know that most ONTDers won't enjoy this post, but I don't care. This post is dedicated to the three MM/Twiggy fans out there! here are a few of my favorite photos. warning: My camera gives ALL white people red-eye.

umm.. I love you.

what do you have in your hand, twiggy? haha

ERW mannequin? My girl Dita would not approve.

I'm going to get bashed for this, but I thought he looked so hot last night

lol @ the security guy.. he's thinking "what am I doing with my life?"

awww I love this look on his face! so cute


I posted all of the decent photos I took here... about 130 photos. If you're a huge twiggy fan, check out that entry.
& yes, I know, watermarks are lame. Especially ones that involve myspace. but..
1. I hate my name
2. I'm changing servers pretty soon, so I didn't want to put my down my web-site.
source=me & my walmart camera.