Webber's KItten Otto Dies

Aug 06, 2007 21:03

Remember Andrew Lloyd Webber's kitten Otto that geniously deleted his score to the sequel to Phantom of the Opera? THe dumbass let him outside, when he lives near a busy highway, and now Otto is no more

Statement regarding Otto

Andrew Lloyd Webber is sad to announce that Otto, his Turkish Van cat, was this morning killed on the road outside the family home in Berkshire.

Otto joined the Lloyd Webbers as a tiny kitten in January this year and has been a much-loved addition to the family.

Andrew Lloyd Webber said: "I am devastated by the needless death of Otto. He was a magnificent cat, unbelievably affectionate and without doubt the most individual character of any cat I have ever known. He was loved by all the family, particularly the children. Otto‘s death reinforces my long-held belief that the speed limits on our country roads are far too high. Speed limits should be reduced to help prevent further deaths, of both humans and animals. Otto was killed at a crossing point on the road used by the many walkers who follow local footpaths. A number of animals have been killed there in the last few months and it is only a matter of time before a walker or child is killed".

Otto attracted a great deal of attention during his short life. Earlier this year he deleted the score to the Phantom sequel from Andrew Lloyd Webber‘s digital Clavinova. Andrew Lloyd Webber said he would dedicate what he remembers of the score to Otto.
