Jul 28, 2007 19:59

No beard + tousled hair = SEX


Heroes Returns to Comic-Con!
by: Scott Chitwood
July 28, 2007

After a great first year on NBC, "Heroes" returned to Comic-Con to the delight of nearly 4000 fans. The panel consisted of the entire cast. Hayden Panettiere, Masi Oka, Jason Lee, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Jack Coleman, Adrian Pasdar, Milo Ventimiglia, Ali Larter, Noah Gray-Cabey, Greg Grunberg, Zachary Quinto, Santiago Cabrera were all in attendance along with Tim Kring and artist Tim Sale. Coleman came out with a shirt that said "I'm Just A Paper Salesman" drawn by Sale. Mr. Parkman came out with a shirt that said "Milo Is My Hero". Oka came out with a shirt that said, "Hayden Is My Hero". All the stars came out and gave high fives to each other.

It was announced that Dania Ramirez (X-Men: The Last Stand) will play a Mayan woman from the Dominican Republic.

The Q&A began. They were asked about their favorite moments shooting, their favorite thing about shooting "Heroes," and other generic things. During the Q&A, there was a sound problem and Masi Oka started helping with the equipment.

Loeb also announced that Alex Ross and Jim Lee will be doing covers for "Heroes" online comics. The comic will come out his fall from DC. They showed a pencil version of the cover.

During the presentation, some booth babes dressed as cheerleaders handed out Comic-Con exclusive boxes of the DVD box for "Heroes."

"Heroes: Origins" was also discussed. They talked about how each episode will cover a single character and it was revealed that Kevin Smith will be directing the first episode. This announcement shocked even the cast as Smith came out on stage. He joked that he wanted to direct an episode about the first 'gay heroes'. He joked about how the 'two Japanese dudes' were gay. "If you can do an autopsy on a cheerleader, you can show a couple of heroes making out." "I don't want to be the guy who ruined 'Heroes'" he said. "'Heroes: Origins' starts in April.

Also revealed is that there will be a new female character named Monica from New Orleans. They also revealed that there is no set ending for the series and it's designed to be ongoing. "Heroes" will return September 24 with an 11 episode pod.

The panel concluded by showing a teaser reel from “Volume Two”. Numerous scenes flashed by showing Hiro trapped in the past, a bearded Nathan Petrelli, Claire cutting off her little toe with scissors, and Sylar. There was a lot of action including samurai battles, a battle in the Dominican Republic, and shots of Claire on the run.

More details about the video from another source:
Preview clips from Season 2 were shown at Comic-Con. Among the clips: A very bearded, possibly amnesiac Nathan Petrelli (please note that they're up to filming episode #5 now and Adrian no longer has the beard), Peter in captivity in some way, the return of Ando, Kaito Nakamura, David Anders as Kensei, and Angela Petrelli blaming Nathan for the death of his brother. Oh yeah, and Sylar lives!

Sylar, now a main character and rocking the plaid look.

Oh, Niki, why are you so happy without DL? RIP, token black character =(

Peter Petrelli. I miss the emo!bangs so much.

Her earrings are crazy.

Masi needs a hairstylist SO badly.


I think Dania is beautiful! Although I hate how she's basically replacing the token Hispanic character from last season. I hope her character gets more development than Isaac did.

Cutie! The hair looks a bit weird when it's in front of his forehead, though.

James also needs to have a hairstylist.

JJ Abrams' lucky charm.

His hair is killing me.

Out of all the gay jokes he could have made, he had to make one about the most asexual, platonic male friendship on the show. Missed opportunity, IMO. At least, Loeb brought up Petrellicest, Greg and Sendhil pretended to make out with each other (click on the link to see the video), and Zach mentioned Mohinder/Sylar. Otherwise, Kevin Smith's pretty great.

Not from the Heroes panel, but here's one more picture from the con of Zachary and Milo, since there were so few pics of them from the source.

Sendhil approves of this post =D

Source 1
Source 2
Source For a Few More Pics of Zachary, Masi, and Adrian
