New Doctor Who comic announced

Jul 28, 2007 12:38

IDW Publishing is bringing "Doctor Who," the longest-running science fiction television series in history, back to comic book shelves in early 2008.

The announcement was made today at Comic-Con International in San Diego that current TV series script editor Gary Russell will pen the series with Nick Roche ("Transformers: Devastation" and "Transformers: Beast Wars") providing artwork. "Doctor Who" showrunner Russell T Davies will oversee the book.

IDW will also begin reprinting Dave Gibbons' run on "Doctor Who Monthly" from the 1980s. Originally presented in black and white, the books will now be colored using new techniques.

Russell, who has worked in virtually every medium on Doctor Who-related projects, told CBR News the series is considered canon and will feature the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant.

"I adore the current Doctor, David Tennant," said Russell. "I knew David for a few years before he got the role, so my admiration for him is genuine and not just P.R.!"

In fact, knowing Tennant so well helps Russell script him in the comic.

"As I said earlier, I've known David a few years now, so it's tricky, separating one of the most genuinely loveliest people in the world from my TV hero, the loveliest of those," said Russell. "But yes, hearing his voice in my head is easy. However, translating it to the page is less so. But then, what'd be the point of doing this if it wasn't a challenge. And I know very well that if I don't nail it straight away, there are several thousand people out there who'll delight in pointing this out and steering me in another direction."

Speaking of direction, Russell, who will remain on as a script editor for the series while writing the book, added jokingly that the most vocal of those several thousand will likely be his boss - Russell T Davies.

"He approves everything I do," said Russell of Davies. "This version of Doctor Who is his baby, his creativity and drive is involved all down the line on everything connected with the show. He is a comic fan too, so we both want this to work really well. I fear he may kill me personally if I get it wrong. Eek!"

Roche was also joking about a case of the jitters.

"I'm really stoked to be asked. I'm going to come under a lot of scrutiny for this," admitted Roche. "I was kind of hoping there would be no announcements but just that someone would notice one day that I'd drawn Doctor Who. Now I'm nervous!"

But as the accompanying sketches can attest, Roche should have nothing to be nervous about. He says countless hours spent with the Doctor leaves him inspired.

"I've spent tons of time with him. He gets his suits off me," joked Roche." Lots of fashion tips for ol' Dave, I have. In reality, the only time I've spent with Mr. Tennant is through screen-grabbing and freeze-framing his DVD self. He's got such a recognizable face that contorts into very specific shapes and expressions that it's important to get it as right as I can."

Russell, who has two years worth of stories mapped out for what is expected to be ongoing series, is also happy with the Doctor's current companion, Martha Jones, played on television by Freema Agyeman.

"I adore Martha Jones and find writing for her great fun," said Russell, adding readers may have to wait a while to see the Doctor's archenemy in action.

"Bringing in Daleks would be a bit predictable at this stage. Let's wait and see what other old foes we can find to play with first," teased Russell.

Sharing a similar sense of humor, Russell and Roche have become quick companions working on the project even though the writer has some Dalek-inspired plans for his trusted artist.

"Nick has patience, experience, a weary 'Oh, okay Gary, if you're sure' and a huge sense of fun to the book," said Russell. "God, that man is so talented it makes me sick. And he's cheerful all the time. I hate cheerful people, so I'm making it my mission to destroy his happy exterior and make him hate me!"

Roche, however, can not be deterred.

"Gary is a lovely change of pace. The guy is incredibly generous. I tend to feel my place as an artist is to serve the story and I'm happy to do that, but Gary's keen on back-and-forth emails about direction and what not," countered Roche. "He's even been as sweet to ask what I want or don't want to draw and how many panels a page I'm comfortable drawing. The answer: One very small panel in the bottom corner. He claims he wants my input, but possibly only to indicate what direction to ignore."

"As a concept, the Doctor never gets dull. And if it falls into a rut you don't particularly like, in two or three years, a new producer or Doctor or companion will come along and reboot it," said Russell.
