"Wizards of Baking" is a Harry Potter-themed competition show where contestants compete to create baked goods inspired by the Wizarding World. It will be hosted by James and Oliver Phelps, who played the Weasley twins film series.
The food of Harry Potter? You mean the same five twee items that are offered at every fucking HP themed cash grab? Like let's be real, nothing about this series is actually good food.
Seems stupid not to do a show based on the store the twins had tbh - candy and like some kind of jokey gimmick each episode (idk maybe they will, I did not dig into this at all)
The staying power of this franchise is truly mindboggling. I was a child when it started getting popular and I'm almost middle-aged now!! I was in London recently and the amount of HP themed shops was unreal.
It's the ultimate proof that cancel culture doesn't exist because JKR just keeps getting richer and richer while still having a platform for her hate speech.
Comments 68
Guess these two losers ain't been getting work
Keep it.
They kinda were.
Seems stupid not to do a show based on the store the twins had tbh - candy and like some kind of jokey gimmick each episode (idk maybe they will, I did not dig into this at all)
It's the ultimate proof that cancel culture doesn't exist because JKR just keeps getting richer and richer while still having a platform for her hate speech.
But also can we give it a fucking rest with Harry Potter, Jesus.
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