Wicked Part 1 Trailer Released

May 15, 2024 10:05

Fellow Ozians, let us rejoicify! The first official trailer for @WickedMovie: Part One is here! #WICKED pic.twitter.com/ufXO61kLWk
- Wicked the Musical (@WICKED_Musical) May 15, 2024

The first trailer for Wicked: The Musical the Movie Wicked Part 1 has been released. Part 1 comes out on November 27, 2024. Part Two on November 27, 2025.


ariana grande, film - fantasy

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Comments 85

sandstorm May 15 2024, 17:26:28 UTC

I like how this tweet gives it away that it's Part 1, but everything else I've seen doesn't. Not even the Youtube trailer


helliosx May 15 2024, 17:54:32 UTC
that's the only tweet that mentions it's part 1, the official twitter account (yellow checkmark) doesn't, not the trusted accounts reposts (PopCrave, PopBase, FilmUpdates, DiscussingFilm, UniversalPics (yellow checkmark), etc)


sandstorm May 15 2024, 18:03:34 UTC

ooop they didn't get the memo to keep it under wraps!


pikapika217 May 15 2024, 17:27:12 UTC
My distate of Cynthia notwithstanding this looks ok. I'll look towards the soundtrack before considering the western sky, as it were.


richyrich909 May 15 2024, 19:24:36 UTC
Came here to say the same. lol


sandstorm May 15 2024, 17:28:39 UTC

I'm hyped idec.


nutella_forever May 15 2024, 17:32:14 UTC
I'll be there for Jonny, even if the casting still does not convince me

... )


ripqueequeg May 15 2024, 17:35:11 UTC
A lot of the acting/reactions are very...theatrical...which works well...in a theater when you're trying to reach the whole audience but looks very corny in a movie, idk i dont have high expectations...also this did not need to be two parts lol


psychoblood May 16 2024, 12:40:17 UTC
But think about it: Imagine hearing Defying Gravity then IMMEDIATELY cutting to the next scene, no intermission.

It's rightfully a showstopper, and the intermission serves its purpose of allowing you to digest what you just saw (and with a phenomenal Elphie, you NEED that time. I remember when I first heard Jemma Rix sing it, I had literal goosebumps and my friends and I were gushing about it the entire intermission). The second act is incredibly rushed (compared to the more considered pace of Act 1) and Wicked is already long enough (3 hours with intermission) so this is the one time I can understand splitting it to two parts. There's potential to flesh the story out a bit more.

And you know they'll want to have an Oscar Bait New, Original Song! each part.


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