Kate Winslet championed intimacy coordinators

Mar 05, 2024 23:49

Kate Winslet says “I would've benefited from an intimacy coordinator every single time I had to do a love scene."

“I don’t like that camera angle. I don’t want to stand here full-frontal nude. I don’t want this many people in the room...."https://t.co/ucCller6Lm
- Zack Sharf (@ZSharf) March 5, 2024
Kate Winslet championed intimacy coordinators in a ( Read more... )

kate winslet, behind the scenes

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Comments 17

vibeology_e March 6 2024, 11:24:19 UTC
Good for Kate. It’s nice to see an A-lister speak about this positively.


lysblack March 6 2024, 11:51:41 UTC
I'm really happy a big and respected actor is speaking up positively about it. I hate how many people have the "if I struggled so should you" or "if it didn't happen to me, it never happened" mentalities.


xbriyeon March 6 2024, 15:50:11 UTC
THANK YOU KATE her voice will definitely echo in many actors' minds that it's OKAY and SHOULD BE NORMALIZED to ask for an intimacy coordinator for intimate scenes!


biosphear March 6 2024, 15:52:38 UTC
I've been thinking about this shit a lot, I feel like the older people who are dismissive of young people wanting support or change are doing it out of resentment. it's hard to remember being in your 20's the older you get and, as she said, being scared of pissing people off or coming off rude. in my 30's now I remember so many times I didn't do something or let things slide because I was too afraid of coming off rude, arrogant, needy, etc when what I wanted was completely reasonable and rational. it sucks that it's just something that comes with age. I was talking with a girl in her 20's and I was getting frustrated cause I was like DUDE just advocate for yourself and she was like uhh uhhhhh and I realized that she just isn't there yet and while I wish I was in my 20's again sometimes I am happier in my 30's. thanks for reading this tangent. I like Kate.


braindiva March 6 2024, 20:45:59 UTC
I think when you're younger, you're still in the mindset that older figures of authority know better and they will convince you of that too. As you age, you can see through some of those justifications or being told "that's the only way" or "that's how it is" is not quite as convincing when you've seen others being accommodated. I'm in my 40s and feel better able to trust my own gut feeling. I was able to stand up to bullies in the workplace in a way that I could have never done when I was younger. Not giving a f*&? anymore also helps!

ETA: Also, I think intimacy coordinators can help actors and actresses articulate why they are so uncomfortable with certains things and see if workarounds can allow the scene to accomplish the same goal without leaving the actors feeling used.


insomniachobs March 6 2024, 21:33:50 UTC
I sometimes wonder if it's because they had to suffer through similar because of the time they were in, and seeing all the positive change now is sadly more challenging than comforting because it interferes with whatever rationalisation they had to make to cope. Hearing people putting a voice to the problem and pointing out it's not okay has to be difficult if your entire coping mechanism was predicated on explaining it away and playing it down.


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