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Comments 8

anterrabre February 26 2024, 14:11:45 UTC
I wanted to cry when Steve dropped his jar while moving it from the wheel, and when Dan's jar broke.


I think I'm done this season. No fault to Donna as her water jar was beautiful, but it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that she's going to win and it's not interesting when one person dominates this much.


silverstarry February 26 2024, 16:38:06 UTC
I don’t mind Donna winning again because I enjoy the process and creativity (as well as the camaraderie among the contestants). I’m really just watching this show because I love seeing the potters all start with the same lump of clay yet finish each challenge with such different pieces. On a positive note, at least the person who keeps winning is worthy. It’s terrible when the same people win multiple times but I hate their work!


anterrabre February 26 2024, 17:56:21 UTC
That's true; her work is beautiful and worthy. I think the main issue I have is there's a vast difference in skillsets/years of experience this season. It was more of a balance before, but after a certain point there should be an attempt to make sure the playing field is level. Donna is an art instructor with over 20 years experience in pottery, and it's blatantly unfair to pit someone like that against people like Cadi or Dan (who see pottery as a hobby and have only been doing it for a few years). Steven is also an art instructor, but in a different field and he's only been experimenting with pottery for a few years. I love this show for all the reasons you mentioned but ngl, this season has left a bitter taste in my mouth.


abbylover23 February 26 2024, 18:06:30 UTC
It almost feels like the rest of them are accepting it too- ia it feels unfair- which is so unusual for the show


wickedchaos February 26 2024, 15:19:40 UTC
I look forward to binge watching this entire season


silverstarry February 26 2024, 16:32:15 UTC
I audibly gasped when Dave accidentally stepped on the wheel pedal and his whole vessel went flying off. He’s very lucky he managed to catch it before it hit the ground. It was nice to see Keith come over to help calm him down and get back on track.

As a fellow short person, I had to laugh at Jan’s story about falling into a freezer at the grocery store. The world was not built for people like us!


anterrabre February 26 2024, 17:59:13 UTC
I wanted to cry for him, as his vessel was beautifully shaped and had interesting details before that happened.


abbylover23 February 26 2024, 18:05:21 UTC
Everyone tried so hard 😭 messy week and looool Jan was killing me every time she was causally talking about her crack getting bigger - and her freezer story!


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