Julia Roberts Reveals She Passed on 'You've Got Mail' But Has No Regrets

Dec 09, 2023 10:52

Julia Roberts Reveals She Passed on 'You've Got Mail' But Has No Regrets: "It's All Kind of Destiny" https://t.co/1pbSipg66d
- The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) December 9, 2023

Julia Roberts was asked by a fan if there were any roles she regrets passing on.
“Well, none that I have regrets about because I feel it’s all kind of destiny. But what have I ( Read more... )

film - romance, casting / auditions, julia roberts

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automaticpeople December 9 2023, 10:40:04 UTC
Closer was such a nothing of a movie to me. I remember watching it and wondering why it existed. Everyone was unhappy in it. Hardly anything seemed to happen. The timeline stuff just confused me.

Jude looked pretty though, so it had that going on for it.


automaticpeople December 9 2023, 16:32:49 UTC
I just felt like nothing much was explained. They just cheated and that was that. The characters weren’t explored enough to make an interesting movie imo.


nomoneyfun December 9 2023, 17:56:42 UTC
Same! I really enjoy Closer because I think it shows that relationships and love are often built on small lies and delusion, but there is a tipping point at which these things become toxic. I also think the movie itself is illustrated by the tagline, "If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking." The characters are deeply in "love" with their partners as long as their partner is right in front of them. The minute another attractive person enters their orbit, they're too flattered by the attention to look away.

I assumed that Natalie's character's lie about her identity was an attempt at leaving her relationship difficulties in the past. Dan had a girlfriend when they first met yet she couldn't resist going after him. She may have thought she "won" him, but he was only as faithful to her as he was to the woman he left her for. When Dan finds out her real name, it becomes clear that while he was lying to her, she was lying to him! A real gag.


sweetwaterlane December 9 2023, 22:10:06 UTC

i remember them building up Natalie Portman playing a stripper and doing a striptease and it was like her in a wig barely moving.

I liked parts of the movie, some really great dialogue, but overall it was pretty forgettable for me.


kinokol December 10 2023, 00:46:01 UTC
That it inspired Fall Out Boy lyrics is pretty much the only thing it has going for it.


__onthebound December 11 2023, 05:26:21 UTC
I remember the pink wig, Jude and Clive (🔥). I remember thinking Natalie had a great line or two. I forget what they were. I don't even remember the name twist.


tinkpop December 11 2023, 07:13:24 UTC
it gave us this visual so i like it

... )


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