Tomato, Tomato! PR Firm has been manipuplating Rotten Tomatoes scores for years

Sep 06, 2023 10:20

A PR firm has been manipulating the Rotten Tomato scores of movies for at least five years by paying some “critics” directly. Truly depressing stuff here by @LaneBrown
- Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) September 6, 2023

  • PR Firm Bunker 15 pays obscure, self published critics who are still somehow tracked by RT to be positive about ( Read more... )

film, scandal, pr

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Comments 85

theburningdoll September 6 2023, 16:15:28 UTC
Out of curiosity, are there any film critics that people here follow and generally like/listen to? I kind of want to read good, smart, insightful reviews.


peasantings September 6 2023, 16:21:35 UTC
I will usually read which will cover most movies. It’s not going to be in depth or like really thought provoking, but if I want to get a sense of an indie film before seeing it, it’s helpful.

I also will say I enjoy David Ehrlich (controversial!) who I don’t always agree with, but who seems very willing to like what he likes even if it’s against popular opinion and vice versa. I feel like a lot of reviewers lack that authenticity.

Angelica Jade Bastien and Candice Frederick also fit in that mold for me a bit though more on the “criticism” as opposed to “loving” things side usually.


lieselmeminger September 6 2023, 16:23:14 UTC
yeah the ebert site is worthwhile!

i also like ehrlich even if we often disagree lol. he is able to vocalize what he likes or dislikes in really interesting and accessible ways


peasantings September 6 2023, 16:33:08 UTC
So many people come at that man and he just has not changed how he watches things, and I feel like a lot of people would cave into that public pressure. Like put Magic Mike XXL on your Top Films list, I wouldn’t have but I respect it.


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honeebs September 6 2023, 16:31:01 UTC
Snark on Ophelia it was released, it was pretty good.


funhouse September 6 2023, 16:34:05 UTC
disney 100% actively do this still


bodylikemind September 6 2023, 16:42:33 UTC
i don't think disney has to pay, they just game it by making sure they fill their screenings with fansites first


bananasnrum September 6 2023, 16:48:50 UTC
Horror movie RT scores are the biggest crock of shit. Also what the FUCK are we doing quoting Brett Ratner in this article??!!


euraylie September 6 2023, 20:21:14 UTC
Yeah I never trust the horror movie scores. The ones I end up liking always have an RT score of 15-30%


bananasnrum September 6 2023, 22:19:47 UTC
The higher the score, the more sus I am.


estebanvihaio September 6 2023, 23:25:56 UTC
came here for this. it was so obvious with terrifier 2 being this critical darling only for it to be 98% critcs from no-name horror blogs.


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