Rose McGowan defends Kevin Spacey

Jul 26, 2023 21:49

Hollywood should hire Kevin Spacey. He was found not guilty. This is how it should go.
- Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) July 26, 2023

sourceSo she went what, three, four whole months without saying anything crazy? It's funny because her instagram has been like "la la, remember Charmed? Remember Jawbreaker? Look, I've hired a ( Read more... )

rose mcgowan, sexual misconduct, kevin spacey, legal / lawsuit

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Comments 111

lisafrank0cean July 27 2023, 02:05:26 UTC
was there more to the tweet? cause i read that as being snarky, like she’s lambasting the fact that this outcome happens…


mikochin July 27 2023, 02:08:19 UTC
I thought it was sarcasm as well, so idk... She's said loads of dumb stuff previously tho, so we might be giving her way too much benefit of the doubt.


lisafrank0cean July 27 2023, 02:24:21 UTC
i kno trueee, i just went on a mini dive of her tweets & now i’m like this is why i need emojis… subtle emotions don’t translate for me lol


la_petite_singe July 27 2023, 02:12:40 UTC
If so, she is amazingly bad at sarcasm.


hazypink July 27 2023, 02:07:57 UTC
I have found that in 2023 people will just say whatever tbh. I no longer expect that I will know what someone’s opinion will be on something even if they are *looks at notes* a victim of Harvey Weinstein and a major face of the Me Too movement they will still *spins wheel* defend a different abuser in Hollywood that benefited from many similar protections!


thereinventions July 27 2023, 10:28:22 UTC
I see this throughout the Debt trial. Many victims of DV but so many defended that piece of shit and it boggles my mind.


picturemegone July 27 2023, 02:10:51 UTC

... )


3rdattemptuser July 27 2023, 02:32:04 UTC
the whitney version is soooo funny.


mhfromnh July 27 2023, 02:34:17 UTC
that press corps + press secretary combo gave us so much


sophistiquated July 27 2023, 03:09:41 UTC
That gif had something to do with Trump's press secretary (possibly Spicer) making a dumb Holocaust/Nazi comment, right?


I'm paraphrasing but he said that even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons lmao


escalena July 27 2023, 02:11:18 UTC


insecuredesign July 27 2023, 02:11:25 UTC
How the fuck can she support him as a SA victim of Harvey Weinstein??? This is really upsetting.


genbu_no_miko24 July 27 2023, 02:13:31 UTC
I got mines, fuck the rest of yous!


queenursula July 27 2023, 02:22:26 UTC
She worked with Victor Salva too. She said what he did wasn’t her business.


halevy July 27 2023, 02:50:33 UTC
Unfortunately as we saw with the Heard/Depp trial, survivors aren't a monolith. I saw people who were abused themselves by partners turn against Amber and claim Depp was the real victim. People had been violently beaten/assaulted by their partners and called liars who called Amber a liar.


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