Josephine Chaplin Dies at 74

Jul 22, 2023 01:05

Josephine Chaplin, actor and daughter of Charlie Chaplin, has died. She was 74.
- Variety (@Variety) July 21, 2023
- The third child of Charlie Chaplin and Oona O'Neil ( Read more... )

european celebrities, nepotism, death

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Comments 13

genbu_no_miko24 July 22 2023, 04:38:58 UTC
I'm only familiar with Geraldine but RIP to her.


lovelylaura23 July 22 2023, 05:02:29 UTC
I think Geraldine is the one most people would know, tbh.

You could maybe make an argument for Michael given he plays a fairly large part in one of his dad's movies, but he didn't act as much (in anything notable at least) once he became an adult.


lovelylaura23 July 22 2023, 05:09:44 UTC
It's crazy how much the kids all looked similar and looked like a legit hybrid of the parents.

I know that should go without saying since they're related....but as someone whose physical appearance looks more like my grandparents and who has a sister who better resembles my aunts than our parents, it's wild to me. Lol

... )


januarysix July 22 2023, 12:13:57 UTC
8 kids! at least here, are there more? was this 8 kids and counting?


lovelylaura23 July 22 2023, 12:39:29 UTC
He had 11 in total**!

First wife: One died when he was just days old

Second wife: had two who made it to adulthood, but one pre-deceased him

Fourth wife: the eight you see pictured

**that he claimed at least


kriskross July 22 2023, 16:55:51 UTC
Right? I figured she must have been Oona Chaplin’s (from GOT) mom since they look so alike. I had no clue how many kids he had.


corroded_tears July 22 2023, 06:10:23 UTC
RIP Josephine Chaplain🕯️💕
If anyone wants to watch her in Pasolini’s “The Canterbury Tales” (1972) it’s on YouTube


sabrina54 July 22 2023, 06:11:56 UTC
I used to be really into old Hollywood and it sucked when I found out how sadistic Charlie was. He was apparently cruel to his wives and children and liked to publicly ridicule people including his kids. He was criticized by the media and the industry for "dating" underage girls and treating them horribly (and that's saying something considering how messed up old Hollywood was) and even ran away to Mexico to secretly marry a 16 year old he got pregnant and who he formed a relationship with at 12 year old. Marlon Brando worked with him in 'A Countess from Hong Kong' and he said Charlie was "the cruelest men he'd ever met"😶

So I hope this woman had a good life considering who her father was. RIP


lovelylaura23 July 22 2023, 06:37:01 UTC
Same. I actually feel really badly for his kids. Every picture of the eldest son (Michael), he looks so depressed. I know he left the childhood home early to get away from his dad. I don't know if the abuse every resulted in physical assaults, but he was certainly emotionally abused and has stated openly that he was afraid of his dad.

3 or 4 of his kids (including Michael) were interviewed in a documentary that came out a few years ago, and they fully admit how awful he was to live with


archersangel July 22 2023, 23:50:34 UTC
I recall a story about Louis B. Mayer (an a-hole, himself) confronting Charlie at a restaurant about the situation with the 16 year-old.
They got into a shouting match, Chaplin said something about not hitting a guy with glasses. Mayer whipped them off with one hand & punched him with the other. He knocked Chaplin flat & was dragged away shouting that if Chaplin wanted to continue the fight, he knew where to find him.
Apparently Mayer was a tough-guy fighter from his days as a junk/scrap dealer before he got into the movies. Who knew that business was so rough in the early 1900s?


__onthebound July 22 2023, 06:16:45 UTC
I know Geraldine because I looked up Oona when she was on GoT.



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