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Comments 104

squirrels_oh_no July 15 2023, 00:44:41 UTC

When your father is the producer of most of the big stuff you are the star in, hmm maybe that's not a good sign for your actual ability to book a job on your own, eh?


syphilisdiller July 15 2023, 00:49:08 UTC
Streisand Effect the hell out of yourself lol


yurasama_love July 15 2023, 00:50:14 UTC
Weak and inconsequential


joy_scenic July 15 2023, 01:02:50 UTC
Like his contribution to the industry


vazabroc July 15 2023, 00:50:27 UTC
I cannot stand this deuche lol


shahrazade_bard July 15 2023, 03:09:14 UTC
Same. He's rubbed me the wrong way since the first time I saw him in Pitch Perfect. Human vacuum of charisma.


jesuisjuan July 15 2023, 00:51:26 UTC
My friend invited me to go watch Theatre Camp when it comes out. Just reading this post, I dodged a bullet cause I ain't going lmao Didn't know he's in it or wrote it or whatever

It's funny and embarrassing at the same time. Like, own up to it. You had it easier to be where you are now. Why the shame and guilt? It's like White guilt with class and status. At least Allison Williams was honest about it and said it doesn't bother her that she's labelled a nepo baby because she's aware of her privilege, but she said that to be talented is to put in the work. It's usually the insecure ones who get defensive like him.


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