Shannen Doherty announces cancer progression

Jun 06, 2023 23:39

Shannen Doherty announced on Instagram that she has been undergoing radiation therapy after mets were found in her brain in January 2023.



Fuck cancer. I hope it gets cancer and dies.

celebrity social media, charmed, 1990s, 2000s, health problems, 90210, actor / actress, prayer circle

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Comments 95

fanmail June 7 2023, 12:24:40 UTC
Cancer is just so cruel


cbluechicken June 7 2023, 12:34:50 UTC
I have such a fear of developing cancer as I get older because it just feels inevitable. I always knew this but that new article about alcohol and it being linked to like 7 cancers made me wanna never drink again.


loonyluna26 June 7 2023, 14:13:26 UTC
I feel the same. I'm like is it this country? Is it in the food should I move is it my deoderant there's so much fear


cbluechicken June 7 2023, 14:35:17 UTC
yeah. In America, it's definitely poor diet, emphasis on drinking culture, etc.


chaotic_n June 7 2023, 14:33:15 UTC
Oh God. Would you mind sharing the article you read?


zibbydoo324 June 7 2023, 12:35:25 UTC
This poor woman. I hope she has support and comfort with whatever she decides to do.

My poor aunt has had a similar cancer journey as Shannen. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 96 and had a double mastectomy. Then in 2011, it came back and she beat it again. Had been in remission until the holidays where she was having cognitive issues and they found a brain tumor. The really sad part is that I never found out about her health issues at the time because her husband had terminal liver cancer at the time of her first diagnosis. Then my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer during her second bout. She always had to be strong for others.


loonyluna26 June 7 2023, 14:14:05 UTC
She had a mastectomy and it still came back?? That doesn't seem fair :(


zibbydoo324 June 7 2023, 14:30:48 UTC
Yup. I’m 90% sure she even had a double mastectomy. Like I said, her diagnosis's always took a backseat to other family illnesses. I didn’t really find out until I was answering family health questions for my own health.


insomniachobs June 7 2023, 14:37:52 UTC
It really sucks, but there's just no way to be sure they got every last bit of breast tissue. And it only takes a little


maithancailin June 7 2023, 12:40:40 UTC
Wishing Shannen the best.


kitsune156 June 7 2023, 12:41:32 UTC
My family member passed away only a week ago from bone cancer at the age 36. Everybody kept telling him he just sprained his ankle from yoga, it was tumor. He went so fast and I had terrible health anxiety since :(


hiimtish June 7 2023, 13:44:08 UTC
I’m so sorry for your loss. How awful that the injury masked the reality


loonyluna26 June 7 2023, 14:14:47 UTC
This is making me panic about this pain I've had in my hip pelvic area


healthypanda June 7 2023, 18:59:38 UTC

Omg, I am so sorry.


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