Disney releases Poor Unfortunate Souls performance

May 17, 2023 14:48

Get your tickets, you poor unfortunate souls, Disney's #TheLittleMermaid is coming to theaters May 26! 🐙🔮🎶 pic.twitter.com/98OmkVMbth
- The Little Mermaid (@LittleMermaid) May 17, 2023
-Disney has released the majority of Poor Unfortunate Souls, not to be confused w/the previous post where it can heard in the trailer ( Read more... )

chloe x halle, disney, reboot / remake / revival, melissa mccarthy

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Comments 57

little_vienna May 18 2023, 00:39:36 UTC
Why are these films so afraid of having fun with the visuals? I get the idea of not wanting to 1:1 the animated film, but do something else, then.

I don't understand the direction of "Miserable, lonely and depressed... pathetic" here either. The point is that she's presenting herself to Ariel as being willing to help others ("I admit that in the past I've been a nasty... I've minded all my ways... etc") so when she says pathetic, it's on the down low to the eels. Here she just... flat out says it to Ariel's face. There's a bit of dialogue where she says "Ohh what has your father told you about me?" or something like that, so clearly they're still going for that angle.

But they can't be bothered to have Ursula murmur "pathetic" to one of the eels? Idk, it's just weird. It's like they're so afraid of being close to the animated version that they lose all sight of what's supposed to be happening on screen.


little_vienna May 18 2023, 00:42:21 UTC
also can this movie just come out already so I can stop hyper analyzing 60 second teaser clips


little_vienna May 18 2023, 00:49:25 UTC
I do actually like the visual of her legs like... climbing on top of each other and the way she swims through them for 'And I fortunately know a little magic.' I just wish they would let her do more, have it be more.


ginainabottle May 18 2023, 15:09:45 UTC
I don't understand it either, and the way her expression/intensity doesn't seem to match the actual song at all is... something.


sandstorm May 18 2023, 00:46:17 UTC

The chorus actually sounds amazing, I can't wait for the soundtrack to hit on Friday.


blorpz May 18 2023, 00:52:55 UTC
she's a better singer than i would have guessed. u go girl


setsuna16 May 18 2023, 00:54:55 UTC
I only watched to see if they would show the sea slug transformation stuff, like in the gif. They did not. Womp.


yeah_banana May 18 2023, 00:58:26 UTC
For a character that talks about body language being important, this video shows basically none at all. It’s so bland.


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