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Comments 77

swissbeauty23 March 27 2023, 15:13:24 UTC
Great first episode!

Love how fake and Logan-like Nan is, basically him in white woke Democrat disguise.

Tom was def fucking with Greg lmao

The kids definitely overbid and will fuck themselves over when Pierce tanks.


thatgum_youlike March 27 2023, 15:14:52 UTC
idk y'all i think logan is starting to lose it for real this time

the way he only really started to come alive when greg roasted him was really something, so hilarious and disturbing. the roys are one fucked up little clan lol


azaelers March 27 2023, 15:18:40 UTC
Yessss I was thinking the same thing! I think Logan may make some unsound business decisions this season in favor of trying to fuck with the kids, the urge to kick those dogs will be too great now that they aren’t crawling back for more!!


thatgum_youlike March 27 2023, 18:11:27 UTC
totally agree! if there's one thing logan loves more than business/money it's being cruel to his kids, plus they've got him good and truly riled up now for saying the biggest number lmao. he's slipping!


my_moloko March 27 2023, 19:33:40 UTC
I feel like we are going to see more signs of dementia with Logan as the season progresses.


derevko March 27 2023, 15:16:52 UTC
I died @ Logan asking people to smell Greg's finger lmao


yousaidlog March 27 2023, 15:21:49 UTC
Every word that came out of Tom's mouth was incredible


firstknivesclub March 27 2023, 15:21:59 UTC
this show is in like another language to me. I'm watching it because my boyfriend watches it and I literally have no idea what they're talking about the entire time.


just444 March 27 2023, 16:21:05 UTC
i always have to read the subreddit to understand the basics of the business stuff


cassismagic March 27 2023, 18:30:57 UTC
tomelette March 27 2023, 19:07:06 UTC
Why do you hate that you understand?


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